HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-12-2020 Minutes Regular MeetingDr. Scott Woolstenhulme, Superintendent 3497 North Ammon Road, Idaho Falls, Idaho, 83401  (208) 525-4400  Fax (208) 557-6800  www.d93schools.org Board of Trustees  Amy Landers  Chad Dance  Greg Calder  Paul Jenkins  Scott Lynch Bonneville Joint School District No. 93 is an Equal Opportunity Employer Regular Meeting August 12, 2020 7:00 PM Thunder Ridge High School 4941 E 1st Street Idaho Falls, ID 83401 I. Reconvene from Executive Session II. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Amy Landers. III. Prayer was offered by Paul Jenkins. IV. Call to Order Chairman Amy Landers called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. V. Roll Call Chad Dance present Greg Calder present Paul Jenkins via telecommincation Scott Lynch present Amy Landers present VI. Welcoming of Delegates and Visitors Others in attendance were Superintendent Dr. Scott Woolstenhulme, Chief Financial/Operations Officer Guy Wangsgard, Executive Director of Instruction & Learning Jason Lords, Executive Director of Planning & Personnel Heath Jackson, Director of Facilities John Pymm, Director of Safe Schools & Technology Gordon Howard, Community Relations and Communications Phil Campbell, D93News Samantha Williams, and Board Clerk Mary Hansen. Chairman Landers stated that patrons can access public input via the district webpage. She stated that due to their sensitive nature, complaints about personnel or an individual student must be submitted in accordance to Board Policy 4112 Uniform Grievance. Grievance forms (4112F1) are found on the District’s home webpage www.d93schools.org under School Board tab – Board Policies. VII. Action Items A. Amend/Approve the Agenda MOTION: Chad Dance moved to approve the Agenda. Greg Calder seconded. Motion carried. B. Consent Calendar Chairman Landers asked if any Board Member would like to remove any item from the Consent Calendar to the Regular Agenda. Chad Dance asked for the contracts to be moved to the regular agenda. MOTION: Greg Calder moved to remove item contracts from the Consent Calendar to the regular agenda. Scott Lynch seconded. Motion carried. She then asked for a motion to approve the Consent Calendar. MOTION: Chad Dance moved to approve the Consent Calendar. Greg Calder seconded. Motion carried. 1. Minutes of Previous Meetings a. Board Retreat/Regular Meeting/Executive Session 07-13-2020 b. Board Retreat 07-14-2020 c. Work Session 07-29-2020 d. Special Meeting 07-29-2020 2 2. Financial a. Accounts Payable $2,358,566.89 b. Capital Construction Projects Report c. Contracts (Moved to regular agenda) 1) AA Kinetic August 2020 2) Accelerate Education Master Services and License Agreement August 2020 3) Celebrations SLP Contract August 2020 4) Children's Adventure Center Agreement August 2020 5) Contractual Agreement Ione Stanger August 2020 6) FY21 Presence Learning Agreement August 2020 7) Jeana Hansen Contractual Agreement August 2020 8) Peaks to Plain Contractual Agreement August 2020 9) Riverside Contract August 2020 10) Gail Kisling Contractual Agreement August 2020 3. Employees a. Conditional Employment b. Resignations and Terminations c. Retirements d. Transfers e. Stipends f. Alternative Authorizations g. Leave Requests VIII. Public Input: Pursuant to Board Policy #4105 Public Participation in Board Meetings Public Input shall be held to a maximum of 1 hour and will provide an opportunity for any Board Member, administrator, staff member, student, or patron to raise issues of interest. The Board will receive such input without comment, except to ask germane questions of those speaking. Comments should be limited to three (3) minutes. The Board will take no action relative to any items during the meeting, but may direct the Superintendent to consider such an item at a subsequent meeting. Scott Woolstenhulme – Expressed his appecation to Paul Jenkins and the time he spent filiming and editing public service annoucnements produced with District 93, District 91, EIRMC, and other local entities. These public service annoucements will educate the community on important health issues and concerns. IX. Administrative Reports/Information Items A. Construction Report Chairman Landers invited Brad McKinsey to present Black Canyon Construction Report. Mr. McKinsey reviewed the status of the construction plan: the ground around the building has been graded and sprinklers installed, curb and gutter complete and paving will start in the fall after the metal sheeting has been installed. The classroom pods are painted, cabinetry installed, and ceiling tile placed; a few windows still need placed. The roofing is complete, gymnasium and running teack are complete and lockerrooms are under constrcution. Flooring is in progress thorughout the building. The kitchen area is in the drywall stage. The project is still on budget, with a few change orders. Most costly change order was adding an extra lane on First Street, required by Bonneville County Road and Bridge. The project is still on track to be completed by April 2021. B. Proposed Policy for Initial Consideration Chairman Landers invited Guy Wangsgard to present policy for intial consideration. Mr. Wangsgard explained these were minor revsions as per current practice. 1. 8410 Child Nutrition Services 2. 8455 Eligibility For Free and Reduced Price Meals C. Report on the State of the District: Preparations for Reopening School Chairman Landers invited Gordon Howard and John Pymm to present report preparations for reopening school. Gordon Howard explained the preparations in place as determined by the Safety Committee and John Pymm informed the board of the continued dedicated work of the custodal department. Plexiglass shileds will be placed at all district office areas. X. Action Items A. Proposed Policy for 30-day Review (first reading) 3 Chairman Landers invited Jason Lords to present policy for 30 day review. Mr. Lords explained that due to continued need for students to receive online instruction, the attendance policy now incudes virtual attendance measures. 1. 3050 Attendance MOTION: Greg Calder moved to post the policies presented for 30-day review. Chad Dance seconded. Motion carried. B. Proposed Policy for Final Adoption (second reading) Chairman Landers invited Jason Lords to present policy for final adoption. Mr. Lords explained that the revsions include dual credit course guidelines and procdedures for faculty when requsting of new curriculum. 1. 2540 Selection and Adoption of Curricular Materials MOTION: Chad Dance moved to approve the policies presented for final adoption. Scott Lynch seconded. Motion carried. C. Bonneville Cheer Retreat Chairman Landers invited Gordon Howard to present BHS Cheer trip request. All overnight trips require three approvals; however, one denial can halt it. These BHS retreat trip proposals (Cheer Retreat and Ballroom Retreat) were reviewed and denied by the Safety Committee and the superintendent. All extra curricular activities can create a plan on how they will comply to EIPH guidelines before the disrict will consider overnight travel. Costs for the trip would increase significantlly due to social distancing measures. It will be a hard year for overnight travel. No Board action taken. D. Bonneville Ballroom Retreat No Board action taken. E. Committees Financial Facilities Chairman Landers invited Guy Wangsgard to discuss committees. Mr. Wangsgard helped define the purpose of a committee and what the Board would consider the committee to accomplish. A committee is good for feedback and involving patrons is good. Dr. Woolstenhulme stated the district policy 1250 Committees would help the Board to understand the role of the committee. This topic will be moved to the next work session for further discussion. Dr. Woolstenhulme also stated that if the board is considering bonding for a new elementary school, that the Facility Committee input would be important to that decision. No action taken. F. Reopening Plan Changes Chairman Landers invited Dr. Scott Woolstenhulme, Superintendent to present changes to reopening plan. Dr. Woolstenhulme stated that EIPH Department has revised their guidelines for students, staff and athletics and defined “face coverings”. • Students or staff who are in close contact with an individual who may be symptomatic but has not tested positive for COVID-19 do not need to self-quarantine. They should be encouraged to closely monitor their symptoms for the next 10 days and stay home if they show any symptoms. • Students participating in “competition, training, or practice that involves strenuous physical activity” are not required to wear masks while actively participating in that activity. Physical distancing from other persons should be maintained as much as possible. This is part of an approved change to the public health order by EIPH on August 6, 2020. • The EIPH health order provides the definition for a face covering: ““Face Covering" means a covering made of cloth, fabric, or other soft or permeable material, without holes, that covers the nose and mouth and surrounding areas of the lower face in compliance with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's guidance on wearing Face Coverings. A Face Covering may be factory-made or may be handmade and improvised from ordinary household materials. Please note that this definition does not include face shields, The district is in need of substiute teachers and busdrivers. Chairman Landers urged the school to utlize the community for volutneer opportunities. G. 2020-2021 District 93 Calendar Chairman Landers invited Superintendent Dr. Scott Woolstenhulme to present updates to 2020-2021 District Calendar. There was a brief discussion on moving the teacher comp day from October to November. MOTION: Greg Calder moved to accept the revised District 93 2020-21 School Calendar as presented. Chad Dance seconded. Motion carried. H. Contracts (moved from Consent Calendar) 1) AA Kinetic August 2020 2) Accelerate Education Master Services and License Agreement August 2020 3) Celebrations SLP Contract August 2020 4) Children's Adventure Center Agreement August 2020 4 5) Contractual Agreement Ione Stanger August 2020 6) FY21 Presence Learning Agreement August 2020 7) Jeana Hansen Contractual Agreement August 2020 8) Peaks to Plain Contractual Agreement August 2020 9) Riverside Contract August 2020 10) Gail Kisling Contractual Agreement August 2020 Mr. Wangsgard explained that nine of these contracts are for Special Education interventions and specialists and are renewed annually. Services include physical therapy, occupational therapy, adaptive art, PSR skills, etc. Hiring contracted workers does not affect the FTE and the district does not offer benefits to contracted workers. Medicare requires certain trained professionals and would cost the district more if these skilled professionals were hired by the district outside of a contract. Mr. Lords explained Accelerate Education Master Services and License Agreement inlcudes curriculum for online learnig used by families that have requested learning at home for their children. MOTION: Greg Calder moved to approve contracts as explained. Chad Dance seconded. Motion carried. XI. Call for Agenda Items for Upcoming Meetings Facility committee discussion August 26, 2020 August 26, 2020 be Special Meeting hard to fill postions and leadership premiums A. Work Session - Wednesday, August 26, 2020 - Thunder Ridge HS - 11:30 a.m. B. Regular Meeting - Wednesday, September 9, 2020 - Thunder Ridge HS - 7:00 p.m. C. Work Session - Wednesday, September 23, 2020 - Thunder Ridge HS - 11:30 a.m. D. Regular Meeting - Wednesday, Ocotber 14, 2020 - Thunder Ridge HS - 7:00 p.m. XII. Adjournment Chairman Landers adjourned the meeting at 8:49 p.m. MOTION: Greg Calder moved to adjourn. Chad Dance seconded. Motion carried. APPROVED: ______________________________________ Chairman ATTESTED: _______________________________________ Clerk DATE: ___________________________________