HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-09-2020 Minutes Regular MeetingDr. Scott Woolstenhulme, Superintendent 3497 North Ammon Road, Idaho Falls, Idaho, 83401  (208) 525-4400  Fax (208) 557-6800  www.d93schools.org Board of Trustees  Amy Landers  Chad Dance  Greg Calder  Paul Jenkins  Scott Lynch Bonneville Joint School District No. 93 is an Equal Opportunity Employer Regular Meeting September 9, 2020 7:00 PM Thunder Ridge High School 4941 E 1st Street Idaho Falls, ID 83401 I. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Amy Landers. II. Prayer was offered by Greg Calder III. Call to Order Chairman Amy Landers called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. IV. Roll Call Chad Dance present Greg Calder present Paul Jenkins present Scott Lynch present Amy Landers present V. Welcoming of Delegates and Visitors Others in attendance were Superintendent Dr. Scott Woolstenhulme, Executive Director of Planning & Personnel Heath Jackson, Executive Director of Instruction & Learning Jason Lords, Chief Financial/Operations Officer Guy Wangsgard, Director of Facilities John Pymm, Director of Safe Schools & Technology Gordon Howard, Community Relations and Communications Phil Campbell, D93News Samantha Williams, and Board Clerk Mary Hansen. Chairman Landers stated that patrons could access public input via the district webpage. She stated that due to their sensitive nature, complaints about personnel or an individual student must be submitted in accordance to Board Policy 4112 Uniform Grievance. Grievance forms (4112F1) found on the District’s home webpage www.d93schools.org under School Board tab – Board Policies. VI. Action Items A. Amend/Approve the Agenda MOTION: Paul Jenkins moved to approve the Agenda. Greg Calder seconded. Motion carried. B. Consent Calendar Chairman Landers asked if any Board Member would like to remove any item from the Consent Calendar to the Regular Agenda. Hearing none, she asked if any Board Member had any questions with regard to the Consent Calendar and asked for a motion to approve the Consent Calendar. MOTION: Greg Calder moved to approve the Consent Calendar. Chad Dance seconded. Motion carried. 1. Minutes of Previous Meetings 2. Financial a. Contracts 1) CT Transportation Agreement 2) Bonneville Overture Contract Sept 2020 3) Riverside Amended Contract Sept 2020 2 b. Accounts Payable $11,937,281.22 c. Capital Construction Projects Report d. Surplus Items 3. Employees a. Conditional Employment b. Resignations and Terminations c. Retirements d. Transfers e. Stipends f. Alternative Authorizations g. Release of Contract h. Leave Requests 4. Student Teachers 5. Students a. Early Graduation Requests 6. Bus Routes 2020-2021 VII. Public Input: Pursuant to Board Policy #4105 Public Participation in Board Meetings Public Input shall be held to a maximum of 1 hour and will provide an opportunity for any Board Member, administrator, staff member, student, or patron to raise issues of interest. The Board will receive such input without comment, except to ask germane questions of those speaking. Comments should be limited to three (3) minutes. The Board will take no action relative to any items during the meeting, but may direct the Superintendent to consider such an item at a subsequent meeting. Jayson Holton – (Read by Board Clerk) Concerned about busdrivers wearing masks. Randall Bragg – (Via Zoom) Frustrated about social distancing at outdoor sporting events and limiting the number of spectators. VIII. Administrative Reports/Information Items A. Report on the State of the District: School Reopening Report Chairman Landers invited Dr. Scott Woolstenhulme to present the report. The key items the first week of school has been parent and student support of wearing masks! It’s good to see kids in classrooms and kids on busses and school sports on the field and school activities being planned. There has been confirmed covid cases for both staff and students that has taken extra hours for contact tracing, quarentines and scheduling substitutes! Quarantined teachers are teaching through google classroom with substitutes in classrooms and encouraged to take emergency sick leave if needed. Those with negative covid tests are still required to be quarantined. B. Proposed Policy for Initial Consideration IX. Action Items A. Deletion of Policy Chairman Landers invited Jason Lords to present policy for Deletion. These policies were combined with policy 2540 Selection and Adoption of Curricular Materials that was adopted August 12, 2020. MOTION: Paul Jenkins moved to approve the policies presented for deletion. Scott Lynch seconded. Motion carried. 1. 2520 Curricular Materials 2. 2530 and 4118 Learning Materials Review 3. 4118 and 2530 Learning Materials Review B. Proposed Policy for 30-day Review (first reading) Chairman Landers invited Guy Wangsgard to present policy for 30-day review. These policies have been updated to current practice. 3 MOTION: Greg Calder moved to post the policies presented for 30-day review. Chad Dance seconded. Motion carried. 1. 8410 Child Nutrition Services 2. 8455 Eligibility For Free and Reduced Price Meals C. Proposed Policy for Final Adoption (second reading) Chairman Landers invited Jason Lords to present policy for Final Adoption. This policy revision reflects changes in relation to remote virtual learning and current practice. MOTION: Greg Calder moved to approve the policies presented for final adoption. Paul Jenkins seconded. Motion carried. 1. 3050 Attendance D. Superintendent Contract Chairman Landers opened discussion on superintendent contract. Superintendnet evalution was many months ago and contract was delayed due to covid. The end date fo the new contract is June 30, 2023 at the same salary ($155,000) and with the same benefits as identified in the currant contract. At the next evaluation, the board will consider extending the contract one year. Chad Dance expressed his apprciation for the superintendent and his staff for all their hard work during this difficult time. MOTION: Paul Jenkins moved approve contract for Superintendent Scott Woolstenhulme through June 30, 2023. Chad Dance seconded. Motion carried. E. Emergency Levy Chairman Landers invited Guy Wangsgard to present emergency levy. Mr Wangsgard explained that although our enrollment increased from last spring, our avereage daily attendance (ADA) has decreased and the district is not eligible for an emergency levy. A motion was not necessary. F. Levy Rate Chairman Landers invited Guy Wangsgard to present levy rate. Each September Idaho School Districts have to submit their request for property taxes to the county commissioners. For District 93, the taxes being submitted to the county are $2,800,000 for the voter approve Plant Facilities Levy, $5,800,000 for the voter approved Supplemental Levy, and $10,135,107 for voter approved bond funds. We did not meet the requirements to certify an Emergency Levy this year as our average daily attendance on the second day of school did not increase over the prior year. The budget adopted included $1,500,000 in Emergency Levy funds, so our revenue for FY 2021 will be below the amount projected. Final market values have not been received from the state, so we don’t know the resulting levy rate of the funds being certified to the county, but the rate will be approximately 18% lower than last year. MOTION: Greg Calder moved approve the L-2 Form as presented. Chad Dance seconded. Motion carried. G. Revised Resolution & Presentation to ISBA Executive Board Chairman Landers invited Dr. Scott Woolstenhulme to present revision to 2020 ISBA Resolution. Dr. Woolstenhulme reviewed the resolution which relates to the statute that requires the board to expel a student who has carried a weapon on to school property and propose the change to allow the board flexibility for each situation. He reviewed the Federal Gun-Free Schools Act stating it deals with firearms and allows school borads all the flexibility our proposal is asking for. Our goal is for ISBA to work with the legistature to align Idaho Code with the Federal Gun- Free School Act. MOTION: Greg Calder moved to approve revisions to the 2020 ISBA Resolution and to present to ISBA Executive Board. Paul Jenkins seconded. Motion carried. Greg Calder will present resolution to the ISBA Exeucitive Board Saturday, September 12, 2020 at 9:30 am. H. Proposed Changes to Reopening Plan Chairman Landers invited Dr. Scott Woolstenhulme to present changes to the Reopening Plan; bonneville County shows a flat trend line for last 30 days. District assume operation in Phase 2 for most of the year. Revisions include 28sf per person in large public or private gatherings, the school or grade level classes will more into soft closure for 24 hours unless the student or staff member has been absent from the school for the past 48 hours (this eliminates school closures due to confirmed cases); most staff listed as essential workers and if they are in close contact with a 4 confirmed positive test case, to stay home for seven days after last close contact with that indiviidual. Dr. Woolstenhulme reviewed Idaho code 33-512, goverance of schools, that it is board responsibility to exclude students with contagious diseases. Public health strongly advises people to stay home,but not requiring it. Our current plan states to quarantine for 14 days with discussion to reduce to 7 days; main concern for the health of teachers and staff. MOTION: Greg Calder moved to approve the proposal to quarantine students who have been in close contract from 14 days to 7 days pending approval from district attorney Doug Nelson. Paul Jenkins seconded. Motion carried. MOTION: Paul Jenkins moved to approve language change to close school or grade level classes as soft closure for 24 hours unless the student or staff member has been absent from the school for the past 48 hours. Greg Calder seconded. Motion carried. MOTION: Chad Dance moved to approve language change to designate all certified staff and classified staff as determined by Superintendent or designee as essentail, and to require them to stay home for seven days after last close contact with individiual who has positive covid test. Scott Lynch seconded. Motion carried. X. Call for Agenda Items for Upcoming Meetings Black Canyon Tour scheduled for Friday, September 18, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. Elections and Polling Places on September 23, 2020 work session Executive Session planned for September 23, 2020 A. Work Session - Wednesday, September 23, 2020 - Rimrock Elementary - 11:30 a.m. B. Regular Meeting - Wednesday, October 14, 2020 - Thunder Ridge HS - 7:00 p.m. C. Work Session - Wednesday, October 28, 2020 - Discovery Elementary - 11:30 a.m. D. Regular Meeting - Wednesday, November 4, 2020 - Thunder Ridge HS - 7:00 p.m. E. ISBA Annual Virtual Convention - November 11-13, 2020 - PLC Building XI. Adjournment Chairman Landers adjourned the meeting at 9:03 p.m. MOTION: Chad Dance moved to adjourn. Scott Lynch seconded. Motion carried. APPROVED: ______________________________________ Chairman ATTESTED: _______________________________________ Clerk DATE: ___________________________________