HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-13-2021 Minutes Annual MeetingDr. Scott Woolstenhulme, Superintendent 3497 North Ammon Road, Idaho Falls, Idaho, 83401  (208) 525-4400  Fax (208) 557-6800  www.d93schools.org Board of Trustees  Amy Landers  Chad Dance  Greg Calder  Paul Jenkins  Scott Lynch Bonneville Joint School District No. 93 is an Equal Opportunity Employer Annual Meeting January 13, 2021 7:00 PM PLC Building 3442 E Iona Rd Idaho Falls, ID 83401 Reconvened from Executive Session I. Welcome Chairman Amy Landers welcomed all to the meeting at 7:25 p.m. II. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Amy Landers. III. Prayer was offered by Levi Owen. IV. Action Items: A. Board Reorganization Chairman Amy Landers declared the present Board organization dissolved and called for nominations for Board Chairperson. Paul Jenkins nominated Amy Landers. Chairman Landers asked if there were other nominations. Hearing none, she closed nominations and asked for a roll call vote for Amy Landers for Chairman: Chad Dance yes Greg Calder yes Paul Jenkins yes Scott Lynch yes Amy Landers yes The vote was in favor for Amy Landers. Chairman Amy Landers graciously accepted her nomination as the Chairman and called for nominations for Vice Chairman. Greg Calder nominated Chad Dance. Chairman Landers asked if there were other nominations. Hearing none, she then closed nominations and asked for a roll call vote for Chad Dance as Chairman: Chad Dance yes Amy Landers yes Paul Jenkins yes Greg Calder yes Scott Lynch yes The vote was in favor for Chad Dance. Chairman Landers congratulated Chad Dance as the Vice Chairman. Chairman Landers then called for nominations for Treasurer. Chad Dance nominated Greg Calder. Chairman Landers asked if there were other nominations. Hearing none, she then closed nominations and asked for a roll call vote for Greg Calder as Treasurer: Chad Dance yes Amy Landers yes Paul Jenkins yes Greg Calder yes Scott Lynch yes The vote was in favor for Greg Calder as Treasurer. Chairman Landers congratulated Greg Calder as the Treasurer. 2 Chairman Landers then called for nominations for Board Clerk. Paul Jenkins nominated Mary Hansen. Chairman Landers asked if there were other nominations. Hearing none, she then closed nominations and asked for a roll call vote for Mary Hansen as Board Clerk: Chad Dance yes Amy Landers yes Paul Jenkins yes Greg Calder yes Scott Lynch yes The vote was in favor for Mary Hansen as Board Clerk. Chairman Landers congratulated Mary Hansen as the Board Clerk. B. School Board Meeting Calendar 2021 Chairman Landers opened discussion as it relates to the 2021 board meeting calendar. MOTION: Greg Calder moved approve the 2021 Board Meeting Calendars as presented. Chad Dance seconded. Motion carried. V. Code of Ethics Chairman Landers reminded the Board members to review the Code of Ethics, sign it and return to Board Clerk. VI. Call to Order Chairman Landers called the meeting to order at 7: 32 p.m. VII. Roll Call Amy Landers present Paul Jenkins present Greg Calder present Chad Dance present Scott Lynch present VIII. Welcoming of Delegates and Visitors Others in attendance were Superintendent Dr. Scott Woolstenhulme, Chief Financial/Operations Officer Guy Wangsgard, Executive Director of Instruction & Learning Jason Lords, Executive Director of Planning & Personnel Heath Jackson, Community Relations and Communications Phil Campbell, D93News Samantha Williams, Thunder Ridge HS Admin Trent Dabell and Zachary Lords, Bonneville HS Admin Levi Owen and Tyler Johnson, Attorney Doug Nelson, Attorney Steven Hart, and Board Clerk Mary Hansen. Chairman Landers stated that patrons could access public input via the district webpage for this meeting. She stated that due to their sensitive nature, complaints about personnel or an individual student must be submitted in accordance to Board Policy 4112 Uniform Grievance. Grievance forms (4112F1) found on the District’s home webpage www.d93schools.org und er School Board tab – Board Policies. IX. Action Items: A. Amend/Approve the Agenda MOTION: Chad Dance moved to approve the Agenda. Greg Calder seconded. Dr. Woolstenhulme asked to amend the agenda to add a revision to the 20-21 District calendar for action in this meeting; the revision was brought to the administration’s attention this afternoon. MOTION: Greg Calder moved to amend the agenda to add revision to the current 20-21 District School Calendar to Action Items. Paul Jenkins seconded. Motion carried. MOTION: Chad Dance moved to approve the Agenda as Amended. Scott Lynch seconded. Motion carried. 3 B. Consent Calendar Chairman Landers asked if any Board Member would like to remove any item from the Consent Calendar to the Regular Agenda. Hearing none, she asked if any Board Member had any questions with regard to the Consent Calendar and as ked for a motion to approve the Consent Calendar. MOTION: Greg Calder moved to approve the Consent Calendar. Chad Dance seconded. Motion carried. 1. Minutes of Previous Meetings 2. Financial a. Accounts Payable b. Capital Construction Projects Report 3. Employees a. Conditional Employment b. Resignations and Terminations c. Retirements d. Transfers e. Stipends f. Leave Requests g. Release of Contract 4. Students a. Early Graduation Requests b. Club Requests TRHS - Dungeons and Dragons (NEW) c. Trip Requests BHS - Girls Wresting Tournament - Nampa, ID from 01-22-21 to 01-23-21 5. Interships/Student Teachers Public Input: Pursuant to Board Policy #4105 Public Participation in Board Meetings Public Input shall be held to a maximum of 1 hour and will provide an opportunity for any Board Member, administrator, staff member, student, or patron to raise issues of interest. The Board will receive such input without comment, except to ask germane questions of those speaking. Comments should be limited to three (3) minutes. The Board will take no action relative to any items during the meeting, but may direc t the Superintendent to consider such an item at a subsequent meeting. Rocky Mountain MS students Audrey Harmon and Katelyn Cook: Proposed the board consider to establish a mastery and project based learning program at Bonneville High School and/or Thunder Ridge High School. X. Administrative Reports/Information Items A. Report on the State of the District 2020 Summary Advanced Opportunities Report Chariman Landers invited Corey Telford to present 2020 Summary Advanced Opportunities Report . Mr. Telford’s presentation included statistics relating to the Jump Start Program that allows middle school students to start high school classes before reaching the 9th grade. This program also allows high school students to work towards early graduation or to work ahead on earning high school credits and/or to prepare for post secondary programs. In 2020 1,115 credits were earned, including 600 for middle schoolers in the Jump Start program. Other accomplishments include CTE classes were added at the middle school level; Sixty-one teachers are now qualified to teach dual credit and AP courses; cooperative colleges were added to the list; 500 AP exams were taken; 2,878 students involved in advance opportunity courses; 15,000 total credits earned; health classes now are dual credit allowing all graduating students at least six college credits at graduation; twenty-seven 2020 graduates earned Associate Degrees and 51 on track for the graduating class of 2021. B. Proposed Policy for Inital Consideration 4 Chariman Landers invited Dr. Woolstenhulme to present policy for Initial Consideration. Dr. Woolstenhulme explained that merging polcies 4110 Public Compliants and 4112 Uniform Grievances would help administration in the procedural process. He explained the harrassment policies are handled differently than complaints and grievances. 4110 Public Complaints and Grievances revisions 4110P Public Complaint and Grievance Procedures revisions 4110F1 Public Complaint and Grievance Concern Form revisions 4110F2 Public Complaint and Grievance Response Form revisions C. Board Meetings and Open Meeting Law Questions Chariman Landers invited Dr. Scott Woolstenhulme to present information regarding Open Meeting Law during the pandemic. Information received from Idaho Attorney General’s office provided how to hold public agency open meetings in connection with the current health orders and limiting attendees and participants in the meeting setting. Since open meetings are opened to the public, required participants could view the meetings through online platform allowing more public to attend in person. XI. Action Items A. Adopt Resolutions for March 2021 Election Chariman Landers invited Guy Wangsgard to present levy resolutions for the upcoming election. Mr. Wangsgard stated that after many coversations about these levies, both of which expire June 30, 2021, the resolutions are now drafted into language for the upcoming March 9, 2021 election. 1. Resolution for Supplemental Levy MOTION: Paul Jenkins moved to approve Supplemental Levy resolution for the March 9, 2021 election. Greg Calder seconded. Motion carried. 2. Resolution for Plant/Facility Levy MOTION: Greg Calder moved to approve Plant/Facility Levy resolution for the March 9, 2021 election. Chad Dance seconded. Motion carried. B. Temporary Change to Procedure Chariman Landers invited Jason Lords to present a temporary change to procedure. Mr. Lords explained Idaho State Boaed of Education will waive college entrance exam requirement for graduating class 2021. 2700 High School Graduation Requirements 2700P1 Comprehensive High School Graduation Requirements Procedures 2700P2 Alternative-Specialty High School Graduation Requirements Procedures MOTION: Greg Calder moved to approve temporary change to policy 2700 Graduation Requirements procedures as presented. Paul Jenkins seconded. Students are still required by the colleges to take the exams; it is just not required for high school graduation for the upcoming graduates. Motion carried. C. Revisions to COVID-19 Reopening Plan Chariman Landers invited Dr. Scott Woolstenhulme to present revisions to COVID-19 Reopening Plan. Dr. Woolstenhulme gave a short update on COVID-19 in the district. Number of active cases have fallen since the first of the year. New guidance from Idaho Department of Health and Welfare has determined that students and staff will not need to be quarentined from school if both the individuals were wearing masks properly during the time they were in close contact at school. Exposed staff and students will still be notified and asked to monitor symptoms. He explained there is not contact tracing during school lunch periods. Dr. Woolstenhulme reviewed the update for spectators at athletic events allowing two specctators per athlete to attend contests. Social distancing between non-famiy groups to remain at 12 feet. Field trips could start again during the third trimester. All other activities must submit their safety plans with the district safety committee. MOTION: Greg Calder moved to approve revisions to the COVID-19 Reopening Plan as presented. Chad Dance seconded. Motion carried. D. Dr. Woolstenhulme informed the board about Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine now avialable for staff at Bonneville Joint School District 93. Results from a staff survey indiciate that approx. 600 employees are interested in receiving the vaccine. The vaccine is administered in two doses, three weeks apart. He proposed to revise the current 20-21 District calendar to add two half days for this vaccine to be available for staff. The days are Friday, January 15, 2021 and Friday, February 5, 2021 . The vaccine will be available at a specific site in the District; vaccines will not be available for employee spouses or familiy members. MOTION: Chad Dance moved to approve the revised 20-21 District calendar to include two half days for vaccination purposes. Paul Jenkins seconded. Motion carried. 5 XII. Call for Agenda Items for Upcoming Meetings Preparing for the levy elections discussion – January 27, 2021 Open Meeting Law and Board meetings – January 27, 2021 REALM program at all high schools – Later date Civil Rights Day - Monday, January 18, 2021 - No School Work Session - Wednesday, January 27, 2021 - FLITTE - 11:30 a.m. Regular Meeting - Wednesday, February 10, 2021 - PLC Building - 7:00 p.m. President's Day - Monday, February 15, 2021 - No School Virtual Day on the Hill - Monday, February 15, 2021 Work Session (TCHS/BOHS Student Councils) - Wednesday, February 24, 2021 - 11:30 a.m. Regular Meeting - Wednesday, March 10, 2021 - PLC Building - 7:00 p.m. XIII. Action Items: Executive Session Chariman Landers stated that the Board will enter into Executive Session pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206(1)(b) To consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, or public school student. The Executive Session will be closed to the public as permitted by law. MOTION: Chad Dance moved to enter into executive session for the reasons stated. Greg Calder seconded. The roll call vote was: A. Role Call Vote Chad Dance yes Greg Calder yes Paul Jenkins yes Scott Lynch yes Amy Landers yes The Board entered Executive Session at 8:29 p.m. Chairman Landers recessed meeting for short break at 8:30 p.m. Executive Session minutes recorded in document titled “Minutes Executive Session 01-13-2021”. XIV. Discussion Items Student 21-I Student 21-J Student 21-K Grievance Hearing Deliberation XV. Action Items A. Motion to Move into Open Meeting B. Student 21-I Decision C. Student 21-J Decision D. Student 21-K Decision E. Grievance Hearing Decisions 1. Grievance A 2. Grievance B 3. Grievance C F. Adjournment APPROVED: ______________________________________ Chairman ATTESTED: _______________________________________ Clerk DATE: ___________________________________