HomeMy WebLinkAboutWIPFLIl22O Whitewater Drive ldaho Falls, lD 83402-4959 204 523 5953 wipfli.com April14,2021 Board ofTrustees Bonneville School District #93 3497 Ammon Road Idaho Falls,lD 83401 Dear Board Members: We are pleased to serve as the independent auditors for Bonneville School District #93 ("Client') for the year ended June 30, 2021. This letter, together with the attached Terms and Conditions - Attest Engagements, confirms the terms of our engagement. We will audit Client's financial statements and the related notes to the financial statements of the governmental activities, each major fund and aggregate remaining fund information of Client. Accounting standards generally accepted in the United States provide for certain required supplementary information (RSI), such as management's discussion and analysis (MD&A), to supplement Client's basic financial statements. Such information, although not a part of the basic financial statements, is required by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board who considers it to be an essential part of financial reporting for placing the basic financial statements in an appropriate operational, economic, or historical context. We have also been engaged to report on supplementary information other than RSI that accompanies Client's financial statements. Fees Our fees for this engagement will be billed as work progresses, and progress billings may be submitted. Based upon our discussions with representatives of Client, we estimate that our fees will range from $45,750 to $49,750. In addition, expenses for items such as travel, telephone, postage, clerical time, printing, and reproduction of financial statements are billed for reimbursement as incurred. Our fee has been determined based on our understanding obtained through discussions with you regarding your preparation for the engagement and your current business operations. To the extent we encounter circumstances outside of our expectations that warrant additional procedures and time, we will communicate that fact and advise you of options and the additional fees necessary to complete the engagement. We expect payment of our billings within 30 days after submission. Audit Objective The objective of our audit is the expression of opinions as to whether your financial statements are fairly presented, in all material respects, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States. Our audit will be conducted in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United states (GA{S) and will include tests of your accounting records and other procedures we consider necessary to enable us to express such opinions. ⅥPFLI Bonneville School District #93 Page2 Apt'.l74,2021 We cannot perform management functions or make management decisions on behalf of Client. However, we may provide advice and recommendations to assist management in performing its functions and fulfilling its responsibilities. We may advise management about appropriate accounting principles and their application and may assist in the preparation of Client's financial statements, but the responsibility for the financial statements remains with management. Audit Procedures, Limitations, and lndependence An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements; therefore, our audit will involve judgment about the number of transactions to be examined and the areas to be tested. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We will plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement, whether from (1) errors, (2) fraudulent financial reporting, (3) misappropriation of assets, or (4) violations of laws or governmental regulations that are attributable to the government or to acts by management or employees acting on behalf of the government. Our audit will include obtaining an understanding of the entity and its environment, including internal control, sufficient to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, and to design the nature, timing, and extent of further audit procedures to be performed. An audit is not designed to provide assurance on internal control or to identify deficiencies in internal control. Accordingly, we will express no such opinion. However, during the audit, we will communicate to management and your internal control related matters that are required to be communicated under professional standards. Because of the inherent limitations of an audit combined with the inherent limitations of internal control, and because we will not perform a detailed examination of all transactions, there exists an unavoidable risk that some material misstatements may exist and not be detected even though our audit is properly planned and performed in accordance with GMS. In addition, an audit is not designed to detect immaterial misstatements or violations of law or government regulations that do not have a direct and material effect on the financial statements. However, we will inform Client's management and you of any material errors, fraudulent financial reporting, or misappropriation of assets that comes to our attention. We will also inform Client's management and you of any violations of law or government regulations that come to our attention, unless clearly inconsequential. Our responsibility as auditors is limited to the period covered by our audit and does not extend to any later periods for which we are not engaged as auditors. As part of our engagement, we will apply certain limited procedures to Client's RSI in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States (GAAP). These limited procedures will consist of inquiries of management regarding the methods of preparing the information and comparing the information for consistency with management's responses to our inquiries, the basic financial statements, and other knowledge we obtained during our audit of the basic financial statements. We will not express an opinion or provide any assurance on the information because the limited procedures do not provide us with sufficient evidence to express an opinion or provide any assurance. Bonneville School District #93 Page 3 Apnl14,2O2l The following RSI is required by generally accepted accounting principles and will be subjected to certain limited procedures but will not be audited: 1. Management's Discussion and Analysis 2. Budgetary Comparison Information 3. Schedules for OPEB 4. Schedule of Employer's Share of Net Pension Liability and Employer Contributions We will subject the following supplementary information to the auditing procedures applied in our audit of the financial statements and certain additional procedures, including comparing and reconciling such information directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare the financial statements or to the financial statements themselves, and other additional procedures in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States and will provide an opinion on it in relation to the financial statements as a whole: '1. The Combined and Individual Non-Major Fund Financial Statements 2. Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards Our procedures will include tests of documentary evidence supporting the transactions recorded in the accounts, and may include tests of the physical existence of inventories, and direct confirmation of receivables and certain other assets and liabilities by correspondence with selected individuals, funding sources, creditors, and financial institutions. We will request written representations from your attorneys as part of the engagement, and they may bill you for responding to this inquiry. At the conclusion of our audit, we will require certain written representations from you about the financial statements and related matters. As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, we will perform tests of Client's compliance with the provisions of applicable laws, regulations, contracts, and agreements. However, the objective of our audit will not be to provide an opinion on overall compliance and we will not express such an opinion. We will issue a written report upon completion of our audit of Client's financial statements. We cannot provide assurance that unmodified opinions will be expressed. Circumstances may arise in which it is necessary for us to modify our opinions or add an emphasis-of-matter or other-matter paragraphs. If our opinions are other than unmodified, we will discuss the reasons with you in advance. If, for any reason, we are unable to complete the audit or are unable to form or have not formed opinions, we may decline to express opinions or to issue a report as a result of this engagement. Professional and certain regulatory standards require us to be independent, in both fact and appearance. Any discussions that you have with Wipfli personnel regarding employment could pose a threat to our independence. Therefore, we request that you inform us immediately prior to any such discussions so that we can implement appropriate safeguards to maintain our independence. In order for us to remain independent, professional and regulatory standards require us to maintain certain respective roles and relationships with you with respect to any nonattest services we may be asked to perform. Bonneville School District #93 Page 4 April74,2O2'l Prior to performing such services in conjunction with our audit, management must acknowledge its acceptance of certain responsibilities. Responsibilities of Management Management is responsible for establishing and maintaining effective internal controls, including monitoring ongoing activities; for the selection and application of accounting principles; and for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States. Management is also responsible for making all financial records and related information available to us, for the accuracy and completeness of that information, and for providing us with (a) access to all information of which it is aware that is relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements, (b) additional information that we may request for the purpose of the audit, and (c) unrestricted access to persons within Client from whom we determine it necessary to obtain audit evidence. Management is responsible for adjusting the financial statements to correct material misstatements and for confirming to us in the management representation letter that the effects of any uncorrected misstatements aggregated by us during the current engagement and pertaining to the latest period presented are immaterial, both individually and in the aggregate, to the financial statements taken as a whole. Management is responsible for the preparation of the supplementary information in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States. You agree to include our report on the supplementary information in any document that contains, and indicates that we have reported on, the supplementary information. Your responsibilities include acknowledging to us in the representation letter that (1) you are responsible for presentation of the supplementary information in accordance with GAAP (modified cash basis); (2) you believe the supplementary information, including its form and content, is fairly presented in accordance with GAAP (modified cash basis); (3) the methods of measurement or presentation have not changed from those used in the prior period (or, ifthey have changed, the reasons for such changes); and (a) you have disclosed to us any significant assumptions or interpretations underlying the measurement or presentation of the supplementary information. Management is responsible for the design and implementation of programs and controls to prevent and detect fraud and for informing us about all known or suspected fraud affecting Client involving (a) management, (b) employees who have significant roles in internal control, and (c) others where the fraud could have a material effect on the financial statements. You are also responsible for informing us of your knowledge of any allegations of fraud or suspected fraud affecting Client received in communications from employees, former employees, regulators, or others. In addition, management is responsible for identifying and ensuring that the entity complies with applicable laws and regulations. As required by GAAS, at the close of the audit we will request from management certain written confirmation concerning oral and written representations made to us in connection with the audit in order to indicate and document the continuing appropriateness of such representations and reduce the possibility of misunderstanding. Bonneville School District #93 Page 5 Apnl14,2021 If Client intends to reproduce or publish these financial statements, or any portion thereof whether in paper or electronic form subsequent to anticipated year-end filings, and make reference to our firm name in connection therewith, management agrees to provide us with proofs in sufficient time for our review and written approval before printing. If in our professional judgment the circumstances require, we may withhold our approval. Client agrees to compensate Wipfli for the time associated with such review. Management Assistance Assistance to be supplied by your personnel, including the preparation of schedules and analysis of accounts, will be discussed with Guy Wangsguard. Timely completion of this work will facilitate the completion of our engagement. Other Services We may prepare a draft of your financial statements and related notes. You will be required to review and approve those financial statements prior to their issuance and have a responsibility to be in a position in fact and appearance to make an informed judgment on those financial statements. Further, you are required to designate a qualified management-level individual to be responsible and accountable for overseeing our services. You are responsible for assuming all management responsibilities and for overseeing these services by designating an individual, preferably within senior management, with suitable skill, knowledge, and/or experience. You are responsible for evaluating the adequacy and results of the services performed and accepting responsibility for them. Annual lnformation Filings Our engagement will include the preparation of the federal data collection form. The full and timely completion of requested client assistance and provision of any adjusting entries known by you are critical in meeting the prescribed due dates for these forms. Penalties may be imposed if the filing deadlines are not met. If during the course of our engagement we become aware of additional state filing requirements, we will prepare those filings. Preparation of any additional filings and reports and accounting assistance as directed by management are not part of the fees for this engagement and will be billed at our standard hourly rates. you are responsible for making all management decisions and performing all management functions and for designating an individual with suitable skill, knowledge, and/or experience, preferably within senior management, to oversee these services. You are responsible for evaluating the adequacy and results of the services performed and accepting responsibility for the results. You are also responsible for establishing and maintaining internal controls, including monitoring ongoing activities. Other Judith K. Brower, CPA will be your audit engagement partner. If the above terms are acceptable to you and the services outlined are in accordance with your requirements, please return a signed copy of this Letter to us. Bonneville School District #93 Page 6 April14,2021 We look forward to our continued association with you and your staff and appreciate the opportunity to serve you. Please do not hesitate to call us if you have any questions about the work we are to perform or any other aspect ofthe services we can provide. Respectfully, η `ん と′ Wip■i LLP ACCEPTED: By: Date: JKB/ss Enc. VVipfli LLP Engagement Letter Terms and Conditions―Attest Engagements1 Entire Aoreement These Terms and Conditions, together with the engagement letter ("Engagement Letter) to which these Terms and Conditions are attached, and the Engagement Letter's other appendixes, ifany, constitute the entire agreement between the parties on the subject matter th(:reof and supersede and merge all prior proposals (including prior proposals of wipfli regarding the engagement), understandings, and agreements (oral or written) between the parties relating to the subject matter, including, without limitation, the terms of any request for proposal issued to Client or the standard printed terms on any purchase order issued by Client. No modification, amendment, supplement to, or waiver of these Terms and Conditions or Engagement Letter shall be binding upon the parties unless made in writing and duly signed by both parties. To the greatest extent reasonably possible, the provisions of the Engagement Letter, its Appendixes (including these Terms and Conditions), and any other exhibit, attachment, schedule, or other document referenced irr or by the Engagement Letter shall be read together and harmonized to give effect to the parties intent. In the event of a direct conflict betlveen the Terms and Conditions and the provisions of an Engagement Letter issued by wipfli, the Engagement Letter will apply. An Engagement Letter shall become effective when signed by duly authorized representatives ofboth parties and shall remain in firll force and effect until the services to be delivered under the Engagement Letter are complete (as reasonably determined by Wipfli) unless earlier terminated by either party as provided in the Engagement Lettt:r or these Terms and Conditions. Each person executingan Engagement l€tteron behalf of a party represents and warants to the other that he or she has all power and authority to bind the party on whose behalf he or she is executing same 3. Fee Estimates and Chanoe Orders wipfli's Engagement l€tter may set forth certain ranges for Wipfli's fees charged on any project or work. Wipfli provides fee estimates as an accommodation to Client. Unless otherwise indicated in the Engagement Letter, fee estimates shall not be construed as or deemed to be a minimum or maximum fee quotation. Although Wipfli reasonably believes suggested fee ranges are accurate, Wipfli's actual fees may vary from its fee estimates. If, during the course of Wipfli's engagement, wiplli determines that more work will be required than initially estimated, wipfli will discuss, as soon as possible, the reasons with Client. work that falls outside the agreed- upon scope ofWipfli's engagement shall be covered by a Change Order. Service completion times are estimated and subject to change. Where applicable, all such estimates assume that Client's hardv/are platform/computer system will, at the commencement of the services, be fully operable as intended and designed, functioning as necessary and available to Wipfli without material restriction for the duration of the services. Such estimates also include necessary and reasonable cooperation from client personnel. Unless otherwise a$eed in the Engagement l€tter, miscellanec,us expenses incurred by wipfli in the course of performing the services will be charged in addition to Wipfli's professional fees. Miscellaneous expenses may include, but are not limited to: travel, lodging, transportation, and meals for projects requiring travel; clerical processing; telecommunications charges; delivery expenses; and all sales, use, ad valorem, excise, or other taxes or other governmental charges. 4. Fees Unless otherwise agreed, all invoices are due and payable within thirty (30) days of the invoice date. All business or commercial accounts will be charged interest at the lesser of one percent (1%) per month or the maximum rate permitted by law, except where prohibited by law, on Client's balance due to Wipfli that is outstanding over thirty (30) days. At our discretion, work may be suspended if Client's account becomes overdue and will not be resumed until Client's account is paid in full. Client acknowledges and agrees that we are not required to continue work in the event of a failure to pay on a timely basis for service s rendered as required. Client further acknowledges and agrees fhat in the event Wipfli stops work or withdraws from this engagement as a result of Wipfli LLP Terms and Conditions - Attest Engagements Client's failure to pay on a timely basis for services rendered as required by this Engagement tefter, Wipfli will not be liable to Client for any damages that occur as a result of our ceasing to render services. In the event Client requests us to, or we are required to, respond to a subpoena, court order, government regulatory inquiries, or other legal process against Client or management for the production of documents and/or testimony relative to information Wipfli obtained and/or prepared during the course of this or any prior engagements, Client agrees to compensate us for all time we expend in connection with such response, at our regular rates, and to reimburse us for all related out-of- pocket costs that we incur. lndeoendent Contractor The relationship betiveen Wipfli and Client is solely and exclusively that of independently contracting parties. Non-Exclusivitv No right of exclusivity is gTanted, graranteed, or implied by Wipfli and Client entering into any Engagement Letter. Client acknowledges that Wipfli regularly performs the same or similar services as are being provided hereunder to third parties. Wipfli expressly reserves the right to replace, in its sole discretion upon notice to Client, any ofour professional project team members, as necessary, to provide quality and timely service to Client. From time to time, and depending upon circumstances, Wipfli may use third-party service providers, such as independent contractors, specialists, or vendors to assist us in providing professional services, including tax services. We may also use personnel from affiliates of Wipfli and other Wipfli-related entities (including our wholly-owned Indian subsidiary and contractors in the Philippines) or any of their respective affiliates. These entities and their personnel may be located within or outside the United States. In addition, Wipfli may utilize third-party service providers, including cloud-based service providers, who may collect, use, transfer, transmit, store, or otherwise process Client information in connection with the delivery of certain services. Wipfli is committed to maintaining the confidentiality and security of Client's information, and accordingly, Wipfli maintains policies, procedures and safeguards to protect the confidentiality of Client information. In addition, our agreements with all service providers appropriately maintain and protect the confidentiality of Client information, provided we may use electronic media to transmit Client information and such use in iBelf will not constitute a breach of any confidentiality obligation. We remain responsible to Client for the supervision of all service providers, entities, and personnel who assist us in rendering professional services hereunder and for protecting the confidentiality of Client information. Client hereby consents and authorizes us to disclose Client information to the foregoing entities and parties for the purpose of providing professional services, including tax services, to Client. wipfli is committed to protecting personal information that can be linked to specific individuals, including health information ("Personal Data) and will maintain such Personal Data in confidence in accordance with professional standards and governing laws. Client will not provide any Personal Data to Wipfli unless necessary to perform professional services described in the engagement letter. When providing any Personal Data to us, Client will comply with all applicable laws (both foreign and domestic) and will anonymize, mask, obfuscate, and/or de-identify, if reasonably possible, all Personal Data that is not necessary to perform the professional services described in the engagement letter. Any Personal Data provided to us by Client will be kept confidential and not disclosed to any third party not described above (parties providing us assistance in rendering professional services) unless expressly permitted by Client or required by law, regulation, legal process, or professional standards. Client is responsible for obtaining, pursuant to law or regulation, consents from parties that provided Client with their personal information, which will be obtained, used, and disclosed by Wipfli for its required purposes. For additional inforrnation related to client personal information, please see Wipfli's Privacy Statement located at w\i/w.wipfli.com/privacy- statement. Page l Updated 2/11/2020 VVipfli LLP Engagement Letter Terms and Conditions―Attest Engagements Wipjli Owners Some persons who own an interest in Wipfli may not be licensed as Certified Public Accountants and may provide services related to this engagement. Client acknowledges that Wipfli owns all intellectual property rights, title, and interest to all information provided or developed throughout the duration of this engagement. Any use of this material, other than for the stated purposes in this Engagement Letter, is not authorized. ln addition, Client shall not alter or remove any of Wipfli's trademarks, copyright registration marks, patent, or other intellectual property notices applicable to any of Wipfli's goods, marketing material, or advertising media, and shall not in any way alter any of Wipfli's products. Client shall promptly noti4/ Wipfli in writing of any infringement of Wipfli's intellectual property by third parties ofwhich Client becomes aware. Neither party shall acquire any right, title, or interest in or to the other party's code, data, business processes, or other information to which such party may have access during the term of the engagement hereunder. All such code, data, business process and other information shall be solely and exclusively the property ofthe ori$nating party. Governinq Law All agreements between Wipfli and Client for any service shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the internal laws ofthe state in which the Wipfli office which issues the Engagement Letter related to the services is located. Severability In the event that any term or provision of the Engagement Letter or these Terms and Conditions shall be held to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, then the remainder shall not be affected and each remaining term or condition shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. Record Retention We will retain records related to this engagement pursuant to our record retention policy. At the end of the relevant time period, we will destroy our records related to this engagement. However, original records will be returned to Client upon the completion of the engagement. When records are returned, it is Client's responsibility to retain and protect the records for possible future use, including potential examination by governmental or regulatory agencies. Termination An Engagement Letter may be terminated as follows: (i) by either party immediately upon written notice to the other if either party hereto becomes the subject of voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy or other insolvency proceeding, (ii) by Wipfli or Client if either party defaults in the performance of any of its covenants and agreements set forth in an Engagement Letter (except when such default is due to a cause beyond the control ofthe party) and such default is not cured within thirty (30) days after notice from either party specirying the nature of such default, and (iii) by wipfli or Client with or without cause upon providing thirty (30) days written notice. Termination of an Engagement Letter shall have no effect on either party's obligation to pay any amount due and owing with respect to such periods prior to the effective date of such termination. wipfli has the right to withdraw from this engagement, at our discretion, if Client does not provide us with the information we request in a timely manner, refuses to cooperate with our reasonable requests, or misrepresents any facts. Our withdrawal will release us from any obligation to complete the engagement and will constitute completion of our engagement. Client agrees to compensate us for our time and out- of-pocket expenses through the date of our withdrawal. ■llpni LLP Terrns and Conditions―Attest Engagements '14. Assionment The Engagement Letter to which these Terms and Conditions are attached shall be binding on the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. Neither party may assign this Engagement Letter without prior written consent of the other, except that wipfli may assign its rights and obligations under this Engagement Letter without the approval of Client to an entity that acquires all or substantially all of the assets ofWipfli or to any subsidiary or affiliate or successor in a merger, acquisition, or change of control ofWipfli; provided that in no event shall such assignment relieve Wipfli of its obligations under this Engagement Letter. Page 2 Updated 2/11/2020