HomeMy WebLinkAboutICRMPBonncr.'illc -f oint School District #93 2021 Rencrval Annual Premrum:S344,016 All coveragc will bc providcd b,v ICRI{P' ICRMP uses a compositc rating model thar does not accommodate detailed premium brealidowns. For purposes o f your Ibn l*try , 50oh o I the premium is allocated to liabilitv. Thank you f<rr your continuing mcmbcrship of the ISBA Insutance Plan. ごイ ー Please authorize us to issue the Julv 1, Z)21 policies by signing/dating ttris form and rctuming it to us via email vicki@moteton.com ISBA lnsurance Plan Coveraqe Summary julソ 1′2021 toJuly l′2022 Section V limit of indemnifiotion is 5500,0@,0@ per ocorrence and this limit is for all property orenges and all limis of indemnification combined fur all public education members collectively. 1.Bui:dings,Structures&Propertyr MObiie[quipment and Automobile Ph"ica:Dartage: SUBLIMITSi ftim ft€pardtion Flei & tryerrr DeblbR€movd tarthqnte tmplopeAlolumca kop€rty FmArB Floodlype lr fhodl0c 2* slmm S2′卿 or2596oflos whichH螂 観地圃 Sttm Sl出 000 StL鶏 000 れ 鋼 脚 lnattntwOmittedltms S2,5軋 000 increasedCostofConttrudio■ SlQ鴫 000 Land50peheIIls S25,000 NewIソ AcquidPropay SlQЩ 側lЮ 岬 0ド はblJ Disruptbn“enSe s,職 000 0 0ataRestoは lon S25Qm ・欧mExpense Slμ nooo ・30edttng Expense SSCC000 。Leaseholdintwst Sl′側0000 Prof60ona!Ftt Sl騨,000 PmpettmCouttOfconstttction SS,∞QOm PFOpetthTransit Sl脚 QOm 飾m飩 漱旧&P-lon OfPFO同 525Qm Ser絲 ceAllmals S25′000 UnIIlanned Ai田 漁(D70neSI S50βm ValuattePaぃ andRecot Sl,α 鶏囲・躙 器 F潤 :hh鵬 '脚 Automobiles & Mobile Equipment $/aterAewerBadup "′ 職000 Sl,叫 000 Per overed orcumnce. Per covered xcurrcnce. Per covered occumnce and/or in tte Annual Aggngate all Public Eduothn member rombined inthis policypar. Peraccihnt Per cownd occumnce and/or in the aggngat€ for muhiple occunences in this policy year. Pertovered occurrmce and/orin the Annual Aggrcgte all Publk Education membendaim combined in this @iq year. Per (overed occumnce and/or in the Annual Aggrcgate all hblic Eduation members daim ombined in this policy par. Per oyered occunence andlor in the aggrugate for muhiple occunences in this policy year. Per covend ucumnce. Ps covered c<orence. Perovmdoccurnnce. Percorered aomnceand indudersublimits as liled undeheading. Per rstrcd oronence and hduded in $5,000,ffi fmit Per covend xornnte and induded in $5,fi)0,0fl) fimit Per covend occurence and induded in $5,000,$0 fimit Per ovend oaumnce and induded in 55,ffi0,000 limit Per coYered ucurence. Per covercd occuneme. Ptr covered ucumnce. Per overcd occumnce. Per covered otcum.nce. Per cortnd xcumnce. P?t covmd occumnce. Per covercd occumnce and/or in thr aggregate fot multiple ocrunmces in this policy year. kt item per cwend ocurme and no mon than $10,000!00 in annual 4gngte foi mlliple ihm pr occumne while not in us€. Perconndocomme. Ihe first 52,500 per occunence is applicable to Sertion V, lnsuring Agreements I and 2, ercepting flood and earth movement losses. [arthquake Ihe first $25,000 psr 0c(urnn(e. *Flood Type I : Ihe fi rst 5500,000 per hilding and first $500,000 pcr (onhnt p€r owed fi(ufience. *tloodlype 2: Ihe first $25,000 peroccurcme. COVERAGE BASIS |:: :l・ ‐:●:|.■ | :NSURING AGREEMENTS l.h山 卜 …2.ヒshlde nЧ 雨麟目 3.LossOdde Pmises t Poliり in th orPuuicα Mぬ 脇 Su町 8ond 5。Su鵬 蔽Hobり BOnd Section Vl limit of indemnification per o((uren(e is lirted below. LiM「OF :NDEMNIF:CAT10N 55鴫 000 55∞,000 55鴫000 S5Qα Ю S25′000 COVERAGE BASIS Per overed xcunerce and in ttc aggreg*e fu all daims annually Ptr cownd xcurerce and in thc aggrcgmefuiall daims annually Fn conred xotrmce end in $c rgngate br all daiml aruurlly Feronrcd xcumnc and notto cmetd $flX!,(Xl0 ittreaggrrgate furafi daims annurlly Pcr covend oconencc DEDU⊂T:BLE Ihe fint 52,500 ofany loss ln this section. AUTOtlAB:LrrY‐SECnO∥VI:: 1.Automo日 ieuabl脚 リ 2.lutomo日 絶medtt Pa脚腱nも 3.Unin側 田 `′ underhsutt M… GE∥ERALtlABItr‐sE《■ON:X l.Ge面 :uaЫ :町 [RROb&OMISS10NStlAttLITY―SECnOH Ⅸ CLAIMSMADECOVERAC[ 1.hrsandOmisions EMPLOVEE BE∥[HTStlABILIW―SE00∥XCLAIMSMADEOVERAG[ 1.Emp10F B●■贔ua日蘭リ EMPLOYMEHTPRACIESLIA3:LlrV―SECT10N Xl CLA:∥SMADECOVEH[ 1.[mpl_…llattity SDluALMOLHATIOWABUSELIABItrⅣ_sECЮ ∥Xl: CLAIMSMDEOVERAG[ 1.触 回躙国面酬山腱Lla駒 EDuCATOrSLIA3:LlrV―SECnC∥Xli: CLA:MSMADEOVERAG[ 1.Edu耐 囲ity CHEM:CALSPRAVIttACrllM LIABIEW―SECnO∥XⅣ CLAIMSMADEOVERACE l.ChemlalSpnメ ngk訥 耐es噛 S3脚 ,000 SS,000 51軋000 Sl叫000 S3軋 000 52脚 ,m0 S2′職圃 S2′鰤′鰤 52脚 ,000 S2′Щ囲 S3,叫 000 NotApメ icable lnduded inah曖 S3メ XX}000 53′職000 S3′職000 S3,職 000 53出 000 S3′叫000 Ptr corend occumme. trd person. [adacilem Erd peron. Eadacihnt Prronndocorrcnce. Pel covered clairn. Per covercd daim. Per covercd daim. Per covered claim. S2′000,000 hroveaddaim. hr covcnd daen and/or in the S地 000 5x)0,0m aggngat!fumultiflcclaims. AnnuJA99regatehdemninO,On umnFo了 POli9PelodustedForSedbnsⅥi,Ⅵ “ ,LX,XLXIL測 “ ′X市 AndAp口 icaЫ ehsuangAgreemenも ヽ艤mmSectbnxvComЫ nedBSlQ∞Q000. AnnuJ A99Rgate Defense Cost um“Fo『Polに ソPenod utted ForS]"insⅥLⅥ∥′LX,XLX",X“らX市 And Appliable:nsu"ng AgreementsWlthh Sectbn Xv Combinedお S10,∽Q囲 OC⊂∪RREN⊂E LIABILI丁Y ⊂LAIル lS MADE LIABILI下Y INDEMNIF:⊂AT:ONL:M「 FOR COVERED⊂LAIMS DEFENSE COST LiMIT FOR COVERED CLAIMS ⊂OVERAG[BASIS ⊂YBER LIABILI丁Y 賄vacyor知 的腋nt Lh昴 腱ソand Expen史 SuBLIMiTS P∥vacyor免 側ⅢソEvent Liab"ity P",cyR6ponse欧 ドns6 Regulatoryproceedingsand Penanies PCl‐DSS Asssmen 日は ЮnkEqttpmentttectro面(Data,and Nmrkinterrupthn Co“ Waiting HoursPeliod Cybermorti00 Expens6and Monies Ihe first 525,000 ofany loss Ihlr ls a corerrge lummary not a legrl contnct. Ihis summary is provided to help you understand your insurance plogram. lt provides only a general description of of a lols. Sperimen copies of all policies are available for review prior t0 the building of toverage. "′ 職 000 hduded hduded induded :nduded 525Q鰤 12 Hrs S5Qα Ю SlQ叫 000 ENDORSEMENttS 1. Acddenta! Dixharge of PollutanB lmenddory Endorsement 2. l{udcar, Gemical or Bidogiol Amcndatory [odorsement 3. lnjunctive Mi€f Amcndatory Edornmcnt (IAntsM Dt(ovEMGt RetoadiYe Date: Iuly l, 2O2 {. Attomey (onsultation Reimburiement lmfldatory Endoremcnt 5. Stud€rts in hacticum kogram [ndoremem 6. ISBA Partkipating Pmvirion Endrrement 7. Termrism [irbilityAmcndatory Endorscmnt E. Asbcstos Remediation lmendatory [ndoremcnt 9. ktire Assailant Anpndrbry Elddlcment 10. ftuiprent EarHorn hdmcmmt 1.Spdlagc 2.Service hterruption 3. Eusinesslnturuptiur l. Busincs lnome and trtra trpcnsc 5.@dhingExpntc 6. HaradqrSuhance 7. lmmonia (ontanination E. Eectordc lhta and ilcdia 9. $( Retigenns 10. (omputertquipnent 11. Iide lI lndcpendmt huestigatorAmedatory &doremmt Sl∞,000 5500,000 "′ Щ囲 SO S鶏 000 :劇 ddmBu蘭 "Ⅷ 曖番 躙in文 腱山腱 “ 珈山6 S2鶏 000 S鶏 000 52,卿 55′叫囲 Slβ∞■mS鶏 000 "メ 鶏 蜘 S鶏 000 "メ 鶏 囲 Sl鴫000 Sヽ 騨騨 Perrovered oconeme and/or in the aggregatefrr muhiple daims. Per covered occumnce and subject to annual aggregate. Per covered claim. ln theaggregate for muhiple daims and subiect to annualaggrEate. Ptr daim. ln $e annua! aggrcgate for all daims ombined and subjxt lo annual aggregate.. PErroverd ocornnce and 52,00,000 h the 4gretsre fur muhiple occurrnces. hr policy petiod. Per tovercd occumnce and/or in the aggrcgdefor muhiple daims subject to annul aggcgate. Perouercdocomnce hrcovered occurena and/or in the aggrBate fu mdtiple xomncr Per covercd ocomrre frl eadt limit and sublimit 6 lsred.Ihb mdorement's limit of indem- nifi Gtion is Sl m,m,m0 p€r occumnce foi all marh'may brcakdmn covengs and alllimir of indmnifiotion combined for all publk eduotion mernberj collectinty. Per@vendOimildSX,mh the annud aggrqete fui muhiph daimr The first 52,500 ofany loss for [ndorement ll. Then麟 52′5∞ofanybss brEndorsement,9. Thel麟 S2′5∞ofany:o5S forEndorselllent,11. ∥ctapp:ioble S鶏 圃 S50,000 Sl瞼脚 Notapplicable lndudedin :im腱 of hdelllnina100 Nota":bble S鋤 000 ∥otapplioble ∥otapp“oble Not applioble forendonement S2,500 Thlr h a (overage summary, ltot a l.g.l sontrad. Ihis summary is provided t0 help you ulderstand your insurance program. lr provides only a general description of of a loss. Sperimen copies of all policies are available for review prior to the building of coverage. lNSURING ACREEMENTSI