HomeMy WebLinkAboutVocational Rehab FY21-22C00PERATⅣT AGREEⅣ圏T
SFY 2022
nc ldaho DMsion of VocatiOnal RchabiltatiOll(DVR)and Sch∞l Dismd No 93 enter hゎ
dis agrecmcnt solcly to fac■iate the msidOn Of studcnts witt disabiltics iom K‐12 public
educatiorl i■o adult lifc l日巨s tra・ lミ ltion to adult ttfc lllay lnvolve any or all ofthc follo―g goal
o五 mted acti宙 tics:po"―sccon&可 educatioL tr―g atld jOb placcrncnt,dlrcct placelncnt into
mttc cmp10rCnt(o mCludc supportcd ttplopent r rcqulred),adVOcacy and any other
activltics that arc rclcvantto the smdent and wlthn thc scopc Of]DVR's IIussion and role
Addlionally,IDVR will collaborate wi■l thc Disu■ct tO prOvldc Or mangc for the provlsion of
prc‐emploり mcnt tranqitlon sぃ iccs for studcnts with dlsabilities whO arc h nccd Of thcsc
s―ces Prc―cmploymcnt transition scMccs includc job cxPlOration cOH・ Sell■lg;work_bascdlca―g cxp“alccs that arc pro宙 ded h a comp“dve integrated cnvronlncnt,to the nnxIIIllul
cxtcnt possibla ColmscLng on oppo―lties for mrOlhcnt h cOmprehcnsive transition Or
postsecondary educationd progr―at lnstitutloぃ 。f hlghcr cducatiO=wOrkplacc rcadmcss
tralnlng to dcvc10p social sk11ls and indcpcrldcnt五 前 g and ctuction h ser advocacy lLcsc
prc―cmploン ment tranqition sぃ iccs may be pro宙 ded tO studcnts whO arc cliglble fOr or rcccivmg
scctlon 504 scnices,m addltion to smdctts diglblc fOr or rccelvng scn■ccs undcr an W
Studcnts with dlsab■tics who arc nOt on a scction 504 or who arc not on an IEP arc also eLglble
for Pre‐cmploymmt transltton scmccs DVR宙 1l not pro宙 dc pre‐mploy】ncnt trn■ミltionS―CCS that thc school customanly pro宙 dcs ulldcr DEA
Transmon plallmmg and scn・ lccs arc a rcqulrcd componcnt of lndt宙 dual EducatiOn PIЯ nq under
thc lndl宙 duals wlth Disabi■des Educttion Act(DEAl
To thls cnd the pttics to■is agreelncnt will work togcthcr to:
A Assi"■c studcnt wiぬ dlsab■itics to makc roI.Icd cholccs rcgardtt thclr adult u宙 ng
goals■lc sttdcnt's parents or urdlanQ w」l bc血 ludcd h■is planlmg proccss
B Enswe compllancc with thc rclcvant tansltion plannlng and prOv■sion of scrvlccs
processcs as requ使 d by thc hdlnduals wlth Disあ ■iics Educationメct(IDDヽ ),PL
C Ensurc that an transitionlng studcnts with dlsabilltlcs cngagc h an assessmcnt of ther
ab■lty to bcncit fbm vocational rchab■ltatlon sσ 宙ccs as allowcd for by thc
Rchabihtati∞Act of 1973,as amendcd by thc Workforce lnnovaJon and Oppomnlty
Act oⅦO→,PL H3-128.
D Use thc pro宙 sions of DEA and Workforcc lnnovation and Oppo―ty Act(WlOAl to
bcne5t hd宙 dual針 udcnts宙 血dlsabi■dcs;by dcvelopmg a cOOpcrativc,tcam approach
to t狐 轟 ion thatヽ scadcss rathcrihan tagmentcd
Rθ l・ Is″Mα ´cみ 3′′2θ 2′
Lsaslrtlzt a,oE
A Ⅱ)VR and Bonncvlllc School Distnct No 93 Agrcc:
l Thls agreemcnt r∝o伊 uzCS that thc patics arc cntcnng mtO a rclationshlp whlch
emphasLcs a muli‐dlsciplmary tcam approach tO transiion and VocaJOnal
Rttb■iation A multi‐disclpLnan7 team includcs ttc vR C011ncc10r,student,
parcnt or gllardian,and school staff■」s will al10w for ncxbility yd宙 u als。
recogntzc that thosc s∝ヤiCeS wEch are dlstmctivc tO thc credcntials of a spcciflc
staffwill be perfo.4.cd by that staff
2 That those obligatlons sPccliCa■y assigncd tO thc partics to thls agrccmcnt by
law,rc」灘on Or mic宙 I not bc宙 olatcd ln the dlschargc of tts cOOpcratlvc
3 nat thcy Wlu collaborate L the devc10pmcnt Of the transltion吐 ng studcnt'sha宙 dual Education Plan(IEP)and the d"dOpmcnt Of any rdcvant
lndi宙duabzcd Plan for Employmcnt(IPE)Approva1 0f the IEP is vcstcd wi血
Bomo■■c School Dis饉 ∝No 93,thc studcnt,and isノ la parcnts or gllardian
ApprovJ ofthe IPE is vcゞ cd solely wi■IDVR thc studcnt,and hs/hcr parcnts
or guardlan
4 nat thc dct_Ination of the smdent's clubi■ty fOr Vocational RcbabinadOn
s∝宙ccs rests cxclusivcly with DVR
5 That thcy wil sharc stdcnt飾...latim as neccssary(ScC S∝JOn Ⅳ regardlng
cottdentittty ofstudcnt lnfomntio⇒.6 Ъat thcy do not iucga■y dlsc_atC m employmcnt,elijbihty for smiccs Or
りpC Of SCnice pro宙 slolll baSCd solcly upon cOllsidcratiOlls of racc,coloL crccd,
agq scx,or disabLng cOndiOn_Thcy irher agrec that thcy do not cOntract or
othonvisc do bushcss will othcr partlcs or cntltics that do
7 That cach Pな けw・ lll h“宙dually kecp such rccOrds as rcqlllred by law,reglation
or dc Said rccords will bc open to Orlcial audlts rcqurcd by Statc or Fcdcral
B Bonneville School Disttct No 93 Agrecs:
l To tranQfcr to DVR cclti■ablclllon Fedcral mOnles h the amOunt of S7,40880
for SFY 2022,based upon■e cstlmatcd an■ual ctlrOllment and upon rccelpt of
appropnatc Ыlb唱 ,of cdiiable llon‐federal肛 血 es whlch D■7R will use to
lrlatch avallablc fcderallnodes appropnatod undcr thc Rchabi■tatiOn Act Thcsc
montcs will bc used cxpressly for a■owablc costs hcmcd"ID1/R In thc
blhcrancc of dis coop∝酎ivc agrcmcnt elCasc sec attachmctlt #1
mcorporatcd by refercllce for clanicatioll ofbrcakdow■of molllcs per schoO1 0r
school dlsdct)W」■en vcnflcatioxl wlll accomp鰹 ソpaンmmt mdlcttitt thtt no
portlon of thc pay■lent is tom fcdcral鋼 s and has nOt bcen uscd to match any
othoお deral grant,
2 恥Ъcn apphcable,provldc access to confldcntial ofEcc sPaCe
Ro,is′′νarcヵ 3′.2θ2′
3. To refer transitioning students with disabilities to IDVR at age 14 so that IDVR
may become involved in the Individual Education Plan @P) tearn, the
determination of the required transitiotr services, assistance ia the IEP
development, assessment of eligibility for Vocational Rehabilitation services, and
the development of the Individualized Plan for Employment (IpE). School
persorurel will work collaboratively with the VR Counselor to ensure that
students connect wifh VR.
4. To invite the \rR couaselor to partic,ipate in the IEP development team for all
referred students.
5. To provide training to the assigned VR Counselor regarding the school,s
responsibilities under IDEA.
6. To provide services manclated by IDEA and other enabling legislation,
regulations or ruIes without impacting IDVR case service dollars (i.e. the District
will act as the fust resource for services required by law and pertinent rules
and,/or iegulations governing Special Education and other education services for
K-12 students with disabilities) to provide a free and appropriate education
7. To the maximum extent possible, provide the ID\IR Counselor with existing
information used by education ofEcials (reference: 34 CER 361.42 (d) (l) (i))
which may include medical, psychological, educational and social history records
that the district may have for the student with a disability, in order to assist the
VR Counselor to make an appropriate daermination ofprogram eligibility and to
determine appropriate Vocational Rehabilitation services to be provided wirhin
the requirements of the Family Education Rights an Privacy Act (FERPA).
IDVR Agrees:
1. To use District-donated firnds and State General Account motries to match
Federal Vocational Rehabilitation funds sufEcient to serve the population
ad&essed by this cooperative agreemeot.
2. To provide a VR Counselor and a Vocational Rehabilitation Assistant to serve
students with disabilities referred by Bonneville School District No. 93.
That the VR Counselor will consult with educators conceming possible referral
of students, including when students should be referred to IDVR. School
personnel will work collaboratively with the VR Counselor to ensue that
students connect with \rR. Additionally, the VR Counselor will provide wriften
recornmendations, ifrequested for use in developing the IEP.
That the VR Couoselor may attend IEP team meetings aad activities for each
referred studant upon timely ilvitation by the appropriate school personnel.
That the VR Counselor will accept referrals, daermine eligibility and"
collaboratively with the studed's IEP tearr! dwelop appropriate IPEs for tiose
students deterrnined eligible for \{R services. Vocational Rehabilitation
eligibilig deterrrination is vested solely with IDVR. The scope of Vocational345
Rθ ッise′ハイαrch3ノ 202′
Rehabilitation services will be determined with the members of the
interdisciplinary team.
To provide IDVR services to eligible transitioning students. IDVR requires a
search for comparable benefits (e.g. Medicai4 SSI) and the completion of a
Customer Financial Participatron Assessment for custom€r financial participation
pdor to expenditue of IDVR funds. If one or more ID\IR services is also
identified by the student's IEP team as necessary for the student to receive a free
appropriate public education (FAPE), IDVR is released from the pwsuit of
parentaycustomff financial participatiorq in accordance with IDEA.
To instruct the IDVR staff to work closely with the student,s classroom
teache(s) to ensure appropriate coordination between the classroom activity and
the Vocational Rehabilitalion services bei"g provided. In this process the VR
Counselor will provide in-service traidng to relevant District personnel on all
aspects of the Vocational Rehabilitation Program.
AII state plan requirernents, including a state's Order of Selection, will apply to
all services provided under this cooperative agreement.
The parties agee to resolve disputes that arise in the provision ofvocational Rehabilitation
services to students, a[d to ensure that services are not disnrpted by using the following process
to resolve such interagency disputes,
AII attempts should be made to resolve disputes regarding transition services and fiscal issues
at the lowest level possible (closest to the student).
When the dispute is betwee,o agencies, the officer or individual in charge of Special
Education and IDVR Regional Manager will meet and resolve the issue.
If the issue cannot be resolved as stated above, then the dispute will be referred to the
Administrative of,Eces ofthe School Dislrict and the ID\IR Field Services Chieffor final
resolution.68Revised March 31,2021
Ⅳ.Because thc Bonneville School District No. 93 and rb IDVR staff x,i[ bc jointly working with
lh: shd"t to dsvclop appropriatc transition plas, thry may bc roquircd io o"h*g" ,td-t
irformafion on rcgular basis. Thir agrconcnt vill allow for the cxcluoge of infomraion in thc
bcst intercst of coordinatcd transition services. All snrd€ots will bc inforicd ofthc relationshipsofth: parties to this ag'ccmcat at tbe time ofrcfcrral Thc student and/or thcit parcnt or guarclia
will bc askcd to sign a rcleasc of info,rmatiou form at thst timc. Signing of the form wlll allow
IDVR and thc Bonneville School District No. 93 to exchange inforrnation.
Each party to th€ age",rcot may aot sbarc informatim sccurcd under thc taos ofthis agrccmcntwith othcr non-partics of this agrcemeat unlcss spccifically requircd by law sr uoder-scparatc
writteo relcasc by thc studed or his/b6 parcnt c guardian.
Tte tcms of this ag:eedEnt are iD cffect July l, 2021 and will continue for onc state fiscal year,
ending June 30i of 2022. Thc agreemcnt rruy bc terninated at any timc duc to faihre of cithcr
the Idaho statc LcgislaiJrc or thc unitcd starai coryress to appropriate such firnds requircd tosuccessiny discharge the t"壼 。f血 s agr―ent lft_matlon Of tt agr―mtis needec a
regardless of party ultiates tffEination
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1DVRど 貶School Districts#93,#91,#59,#251,#252,and#60
Cooperative Agreement
PIatching Fullds SFY I)istribution
SFY 22:
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Bolllnc、411c SchoOI Dist 93 4200 40 $7,40880
Idaho Falls School Dist 91 3200 30 $5,55660
FJL School Dist.59 2602 S37044
JeffersOn Joult Dist 251 2000 19 S3,51918
he SchoolI)ist 252 2502 S37044
Shcllcy School Dist 60 7127 Sl,29654
TOTALS 10,622 100 S18,522
Rθ 籟健 ′」Иα″cみ 3ノ ′2θ 2′||