HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-16-2021 Minutes Regular Meeting_Budget HearingDr. Scott Woolstenhulme, Superintendent 3497 North Ammon Road, Idaho Falls, Idaho, 83401  (208) 525-4400  Fax (208) 557-6800  www.d93schools.org Board of Trustees  Amy Landers  Chad Dance  Greg Calder  Paul Jenkins  Scott Lynch Bonneville Joint School District No. 93 is an Equal Opportunity Employer Regular Meeting/Budget Hearing June 16, 2021 7:00 PM District Office 3497 N Ammon Rd Idaho Falls, ID 83401 I. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Amy Landers. II. Prayer was offered by Gordon Howard. III. Call to Order Chairman Amy Landers called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. IV. Roll Call Chad Dance present Greg Calder present Paul Jenkins present Scott Lynch present Amy Landers present V. Welcoming of Delegates and Visitors Others in attendance were Superintendent Dr. Scott Woolstenhulme, Executive Director of Planning & Personnel Heath Jackson, Executive Director of Instruction & Learning Jason Lords, Chief Financial/Operations Officer Guy Wangsgard, Director of Maintenance & Operations John Pymm, Director of Safe Schools & Technology Gordon Howard, Community Relations and Communications Phil Campbell, D93News Samantha Williams, Principal Scott Miller, HHS; Attorney Nick Miller and Financial Advisor Eric Heringer via Zoom, and Board Clerk Mary Hansen. Chairman Landers stated that due to their sensitive nature, complaints about personnel or an individual student must be submitted in accordance to Board Policy 4110 Public Complaints and Grievances. The complaint and grievance form (4110F1) is found on the District’s home webpage www.d93schools.org under School Board tab – Board Policies. VI. Action Items: A. Amend/Approve the Agenda Chairman Landers asked for a motion to approve the agenda. MOTION: Chad Dance moved to approve the Agenda. Greg Calder seconded. Motion carried. B. Motions form Executive Session Employee LWOP Requests Decision MOTION: Greg Calder moved to accept recommendations to approve conditional leave without pay for Employees T2021, Y2021, Z2021, 2A2021, 2B2021, 2C2021, and 2D2021. Chad Dance seconded. Motion carried. Student 21-3Q Decision MOTION: Greg Calder moved to expel student 21-3Q without a hearing until end of first trimester on November 19, 2021 and to conditionally re-admit student 21-3Q to Thunder Ridge HS. Chad Dance seconded. Motion carried. C. Consent Calendar Chairman Landers asked if any Board Member would like to remove an item from the Consent Calendar to the Regular Agenda. Hearing none, she asked if any Board Member had any questions with regard to the Consent Calendar and asked for a motion to approve the Consent Calendar. MOTION: Paul Jenkins moved to approve the Consent Calendar. Greg Calder seconded. Motion carried. 1. Minutes of Previous Meetings Minutes Executive Session 05-12-2021 Minutes Regular Meeting 05-12-2021 2 Motion and Order to Amend Agenda 05-12-2021 Minutes Special Meeting-Work Session 05-19-2021 Minutes Special Meeting 05-27-2021 2. Financial a. Accounts Payable $9,949,324.75 b. Capital Construction Projects Report c. Contracts Bonneville HS Athletic Training Agreement June 2021 Hillcrest HS Athletic Training Agreement June 2021 Cooperative Agreement: IDVR & D93-May 2021 Quadrant Consulting, LLC June 2021 d. Bid Recommendations Asphalt Seal Coat Bid June 2021 Bus Bid - Two 84-Passenger Bus Bid Bus Bid - Special Needs Bus e. Surplus Items Maintenance Surplus June 2021 Maintenance Surplus (desks) June 2021 Hillview Elementary Library June 2021 Ucon Elementary June 2021 Sandcreek MS Surplus June 2021 District Office Surplus June 2021 3. Employees a. Conditional Employment New Hires June 2021 Summer Hires June 2021 b. Category 1 Rehires c. Resignations and Terminations d. Retirements e. Transfers f. Stipends g. Alternative Authorizations 4. Students a. Early Graduation Requests b. Trip Requests HHS - Volleyball - Greeley, CO from 07-14-2021 to 07-18-2021 HHS - Audition Mixed Choir - New York City, NY from 03-30-2022 to 04-03-2022 5. Revised 2021 Board Meeting Schedule 6. Football Equipment Letters 2021 Hillcrest HS Thunder Ridge HS Bonneville HS VII. Public Input: Pursuant to Board Policy #4105 Pubic Participation in Board Meetings, Public Input shall be held to a maximum of one (1) hour and will provide an opportunity for any Board Member, administrator, staff member, student, or patron to raise issues of interest. The Board will receive such input without comment, except to ask germane questions of those speaking. Comments should be limited to three (3) minutes. The Board will take no action relative to any items during the meeting, but may direct the Superintendent to consider such items at a subsequent meeting. VIII. Administrative Reports/Information Items A. Report on the State of the District Staff Evaluation Completion - Heath Jackson, Executive Director Chairman Landers invited Heath Jackson to present on Staff Evaluations. Mr. Jackson and the District Administration were happy and pleased with the outcome of 754 certified evaluations and 855 classified evaluations completed by May 1, 2021. Evaluations provide an one-on-one opportunity for the supervisor and employee to discuss performance and leadership roles, commend good work habits, and review areas for improvement. Mr. Jackson reviewed how the certified JPAS teaching 3 standards-based evaluation is designed as a tool used to measure professional growth, management in the classroom, delivering instruction, interfacing with students, and planning. JPAS evaluations are rated as not effective, minimally effective, effective and highly effective. Evaluations include two classroom observations, a portfolio, a summary, improvement strategies and feedback. Advance Opportunities & CTE Certificates - Principal Corey Telford Chairman Landers invited Dr. Scott Woolstenhulme to present on Advance Opportunities and CTE Certificates. Dr. Woolstenhulme reviewed the district goals pertaining to dual credit classes and college credits earned in high school over the last five years. The district goal is for 90% of high school students to earn college credit; 84% of students have earned college credits in 2021. The percentage has increased every year since 2016. Another goal encourages students to take three or more dual credit classes or nine college credits. Students in 2021 have surpassed the goal of 50% by reaching 58%. Thirty-eight 2021 graduates earned Associate Degrees from Idaho State Univeristy or College of Eastern Idaho. It was noted that these goals do not include the credits earned by students who take Advance Placement classes. Hillcrest HS Accreditation Report - Principal Scott Miller Chairman Landers invited Principal Scott Miller to present Hillcrest HS Accreditation Report. Princiapl Miller stated the accreditation process is required and scheduled every five years; this year’s evaluation was accomplished virtually. A team of four non-school related evaluators reviewed and graded 150 different areas, held interviews, shot vidoes, and collected artifacts to create the report. Hillcrest earned the score of 341, showing an improvement from 2016 of 287. B. Discussion: Driver's Education Chairman Landers invited Jason Lords to present on the district’s Driver’s Education program. Mr. Lords referred to the conversation about the program in the past; it was retained at that time since instructors were available. He stated that with the popularity of private programs and not able to find interested staff, it was recommended to not continue the district’s program. The Board agreed to discontinue the program. C. Budget Hearing FY 2021 1. 2020-2021 Budget Assumptions Chairman Landers invited Guy Wangsgard to present Budget assumptions for FY2021. Mr. Wangsgard stated with the state holdbacks, drop in enrollment and not qualifying for the emergency levy, the FY21 budget required revision. He compared the 20-21 orginal budget with the revised FY21 budget, including the change in tax levy rate that was lowered last September 2020 and ESSER I fund reimbursements. 2. Public Input There was not any public input relating to the FY21 Revised Budget. D. Budget Hearing FY 2022 1. 2021-2022 Budget Assumptions Chairman Landers invited Guy Wangsgard to present Budget assumptions for FY22. Mr. Wangsgard compared the revised FY21 budget with FY22 budget; he stated that the FY22 budget will be based on Average Daily Attendance (ADA). In September when the maket growth value comes from the county and the tax levy rate certified, the budget might need revised. Mr. Wangsagrd reviewed the reimbursement processes pertaining to the federal ESSER funds that have been and will be disbursed to the District. The district has spent their portion of the ESSER I Flowthrough Funds; it was used for Personal Protection Equipment (PPE), extra hours for classified staff when substitutes were not available, costs related to federally mandated emergency paid sick leave, chromebooks and technology, public health intern and online speech pathology costs. Blended Learning funds were spent on Learning Management Systems (LMS), and Social Emotional funds will be spent in FY22. All currently available ESSER II Funds were incorporated into FY21 revised budget; the remaining portion was included in the FY22 budget. If all claims are approved by SDE, ESSER II funds will be depleted by June 22. ESSER III funds will be authorized for use after July 1, 2021. FY22 budget will include $3.8 M of ESSER III flowthrough funds, leaving $5.1M for future use, including Learning Loss and future state holdbacks. Learning Loss is defined by lower student acheivenment scores and social emotional leaning needs. 2. Public Input There was not any public input relating to the FY22 Budget. IX. Action Items A. Proposed Policy for 30-Day Review (first reading) 3270 and 5330 Computer Use Agreement (2021 Revisions) 3270 and 5330 Network and Device Responsible Use Agreement 2021 Clean Copy Chairman Landers invited Gordon Howard to present policy for 30-Day Review. This policy has been updated to current practice. MOTION: Paul Jenkins moved to approve policy as presented for 30 day review. Greg Calder seconded. Motion carried. B. Proposed Policy for Final Adoption (second reading) 3085 Sexual Harassment (Title IX) 4 Chairman Landers invited Jason Lords to present policy for Final Adoption. This policy has been revised per Office of Civil Rights and to current practice. MOTION: Greg Calder moved to approve the policy presented for final adoption. Chad Dance seconded. Motion carried. C. Mountain Valley #3 Property Auction Chairman Landers invited John Pymm to present information on Mountain Valley #3 property. Mr. Pymm explained the bidding process; only one bid was submitted by JV Enterprises, LLC in the amount at $85,000. Mr. Pymm stated the property was appraised at $30,000 per acre. There are no utilities available on the property and it was recently re-platted from five lots to eleven lots with better traffic flow due to the nearby elementary school. Mr. Pymm’s recommendation is to reject the bid and attempt to sell the property on the open market. MOTION: Greg Calder moved to decline the bid submitted by JV Enterprises, LLC in the amount at $85,000. Chad Dance seconded. Motion carried. The Board directed Mr. Pymm to proceed to sell property at appraised value or higher. D. Revised FY 2021 District Budget MOTION: Paul Jenkins moved to approve the Revised FY21 District Budget as presented. Greg Calder seconded. Motion carried. E. FY 2022 District Budget Mr. Wangsgard noted that property insurance coverages will increase due to the increase costs of construction materials; however, insurance premiums will not increase at this time. MOTION: Greg Calder moved to approve the FY22 District Budget as presented. Chad Dance seconded. Motion carried. F. Administrator's Salary Schedule Chairman Landers invited Heath Jackson to present administrator’s salary schedule for FY22. Mr. Jackson explained there was not any funding for salary increases for FY21 from the state. For FY22, the state will fund a 2% increase for all administrators; thus the district will increase each salary $1,000. The supplemental levy funds are not used for administrator salaries. Experience and level of education can raise administrator salaries. MOTION: Paul Jenkins moved approve the FY22 Administrators Salary Schedule as presented. Greg Calder seconded. Motion carried. G. Resolution to Authorize Defeasance and Approve Accompanying Escrow Agreement Chairman Landers invited Guy Wangsgard, Nick Miller and Eric Herringer to present Defeasance Resolution and Escrow Agreement. To defease a bond, moneys are transferred into an escrow account to be held until the bonds are called up. It is proposed to use the surplus cash in the district’s current bond fund to defease the 2012C bonds that are callable on September 15, 2022 and to level out the debt service. MOTION: I, Greg Calder, move the Board adopt the Defeasance Resolution entitled: A Resolution for Defeasance of Certain General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2012C, of Joint School District No. 93, Bonneville and Bingham Counties, State of Idaho. Chad Dance seconded. Motion carried. H. Resolution to Authorize Bond Refinance Chairman Landers invited Guy Wangsgard, Nick Miller and Eric Herringer to present bond refinance resolution. Refinancing 2012A bonds will accelerate repayment by backfilling the savings from the 2012C defeasance and sizing payments to the current bond levy. This will save $4 million in interest costs, shorten the final maturity on the 2012A bonds by four years, and provide a more level over-all debt profile. MOTION: I, Greg Calder, move the Board adopt the Bond Resolution entitled: A Resolution Authorizing the Issuance and Providing for the Sale of General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2021 (Sales Tax Guaranty and Credit Enhancement Programs) (Taxable), of Joint School District No. 93, Bonneville and Bingham Counties, State of Idaho, Authorizing the Manner of Sale of the Bonds, Delegating Authority to Approve the Terms, Provisions and Sale of the Bonds, and Providing for Related Matters.” Paul Jenkins seconded. Motion carried. X. Call for Agenda Items for Upcoming Meetings Board Retreat items: Budget training; review of communication report from Patron Insights; Learning outcomes; Improvement plans; Strategies for next year; Introduce Directors and share goals; Communitcation plans; Trustee Elections Regular Meeting/Fee Hearing - Wednesday, July 14, 2021 - District Board Room - 7:00 p.m. Board Retreat - Thursday, July 15, 2021 - PLC Building - 8:30 a.m. Regular Meeting - Wednesday, August 11, 2021 - District Board Room - 7:00 p.m. Work Session - Wednesday, August 25, 2021 - District Board Room - 11:30 a.m. Paul Jenkins asked to move the Executive Session from after this meeting to July 14, 2021. XI. Action Item: Executive Session Postponed until July 14, 2021 Chairman Landers stated that the Board will reconvene into Executive Session pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206(1)(b) To consider 5 the evaluation, disciplining or dismissal of an employee, staff member or public school student. The Executive Session will be closed to the public as permitted by law. Roll Call Vote XII. Discussion Item: Superintendent Evaluation XIII. Action Item: Motion to Move into Open Meeting XIV. Action Item: Adjournment Chairman Landers adjourned the Regular meeting at 9:44 p.m. MOTION: Chad Dance moved to adjourn. Greg Calder seconded. Motion carried. APPROVED: ______________________________________ Chairman ATTESTED: _______________________________________ Clerk DATE: ___________________________________