HomeMy WebLinkAboutReena ChryslerDocuSign Envelope lD:80037470‐BB67-447E―B,C6-F647745F18Al BONNEV:LLE SCH00L D:STRICT,93 Contractu●:Agrooment w:th Roona ChrYOler THiS AGREEMENT entered lnto on Jun●30,2021 between 3onneV∥le Schoo1 015tFiCt l19J,heFebソ known as the Distrlct,having a principal place of business at 3497 N.Ammon Road,ldaho Fa∥ら,ldaho,and Reena Chrysler,hereby known as the Contractor,i5fOrthe schoolY001 2021・ 20aa` The fo∥owlng servlce(s)requeSted:0●entaJon and Mob∥ltv Dates of servicei beginning August l,2021 through June 30,2022 Hours of servlce:S49 per hour/student l●8610n contractor requirements attached hereto are mado l part orthls contrlct、 The parties agree that the Contractoris solelv responsible for a∥costs aFnd eXpen3o5incuFFed in connection with the performance ofthose services descrlbed in this agreernent unl●55 nOted above. 1. The Contractor agrees to provide related servlces ln ecco「darlce wlth the Fu103 and reは ulations estab∥shed by the ldaho State Board of Educatlon as provided ln 5oct10n 33・ 3003,ldano COdo, as amended for exceptiOnai students llvin8 1n thi3 diStrlct 2 The Contractor agrees to provlde educatlon ttndノ OF Felated services for ldentfied stu6ontiも)including: a The appropriate staff and overs16ht to lmpl●mentlEPs foF eaCh Student as deteFmined by the schoollEP team) b. Servlces to the students according to the scho●l dlstrict'32021・ 22 school caleFldar (attaChed)′excluding emergencY SCh001closures or when a studentls ab5ont. 3 The Contractor further agrees to provlde the Dlstrict the ronowingi a Servに es as autho∥zed ln the student's lEP/504: b other services such as consuitatlons and meetlngsi c Assurance that a∥work w∥l be performed in acco「dance Wlth the highest profe331on白|standards, d A copv Of the service provider's Staff Qua∥flcati●ns showin3 pFOfeSSional cFedentials r。「 the district'sf∥es; e. Verlfication a∥emplovees who come lnto contact wlth the stlldont have b●en 3obJeCt tu a crimlnal background check as requlred bソ ldaho C●de 33・ 130 and have boon determlned to not have a crlminal hlstory lnconsistent wlth wo「kine With chiloFen′ f. Da∥y cOmpletion ofthe Distrlct's report as a mean3 0r Written documentation for servlce days,times and results of servlces provided for each student,as perthe lEP g. Submission of b∥∥ng to Spec:li 5orv:c●3 fOr 30n′iCo6 pr●Vidod within 30 0oγ o Ofthe date ofthe service pr●vided`Add:ti●n口 !hourl wiil b●corn,ongated attho 30me rate, provided that the additl●nal hour5,ov●r lnd obove tholo otated′have received prloF written appr●val of the Director of Specl●:Serv!coo, AI:lnvoic●6 1hOu:d be numlered and dated showing the d●tes and hourl of 30rV:Co pr●viled,or●●ch ltudent. Bonneville lt. School District - Servlce Provlder ASreen)entPaBc 1 DocuSign Envelope lD:80037470-BB67●47E―B,C6‐F647745F18Al h Certincate Of Llab∥itv lnsurance. l. Proof of Workers cOmpensatlon covera8● 4 1f the studentis no longer recelving services from the Contractor foF anv reason,the ContFaCtOF sha∥Inform the D:strict,and the ob∥3atlon of the Dlstrlct to pav fOr servic●sw∥lcease a5 olthせ last dav of servlce provlded` 5 The COntractor and the District agree to complv wlth a∥p●rtinent statut●5 ofthe State o71daho and such rules and regtliations as the State Doard of Educatlon mav l●glllv pr15CFibe,Whlch aFe by reference incorporated in and made a part ofthls Contract as thougn set fOrth heFeln. 6. The District assures that health・ related services or pr●3ram placement w∥l b101n artoF haVing conducted an lEP team meetlng to develop an lEP,The Contractor,at the D15tFICt'30'3Cretion, mav request or attend subsequentl[P team meetings to revlse the student'51Dp,but o DistFICt representatlve must participate ln an such meetings` 7 The Dlstrict vvi∥pay the Contractor based on submIIIlon o†an lnvolce with documentation as descrlbed ln 3.g. 8 The District wl∥provide doCumentatlon necessary for the contractor to caFFv Out the poFt10n Oi the lEP that fa∥s under Contractor responslbl∥ty. 9 The DistHct may terminate this Agreementimmedlatelv r the Distnct deteFmineSthat the Contractor has w∥lfu∥Y V101ated any statutory requlrement o「goveFnment FOttulation oF the services related to thls ABreement are modlfled o「terminated foF a StudeFlt.EitheF paFty mav terminate this ABreement without cause upon providin8 30 dav5 wFitten notlce to the otho「 party. 10.The Contractor sha∥be s●lelソ |lable for anv losses or dama80S resultln6 from peFFoFnlanCo of any ofthe seⅣにes covered by t∥s ABreement,contrlctor sha∥hdemni~and h。旧haFm博 5t the District from anv llab∥ltv′lncludin3′but not∥mited to′cost,expenses,and attoFneV felョ ′ resuiting from Contractor′s performance ofthe sen′lces provided undeFthi5 AgF00ment pF00f of∥ab∥ity insurance with Bonneville School Dlstrict#931に ted 13 an"00dltionol insuFed"3ha∥bじ submtted to the Dlstlct wthln ten l10)dayS ofthe date ofthに Agreement, The contractor agrees that as an independent contractoritls not e∥81bl●for dに trict beneFitS of anv kind The contractor aiso agrees to maintain∥ab∥たYinsurancl in the minlmum amount oi sl,000,000,00 ond workers compensatlon coverage forits emplovees,lfthe contractor doos not have workoF'5 connpensatlon,the contractor w∥lpay s.55 for every s 100 b∥led.Thls wl∥bo deducted in tho:nvoic● 捌IFroperoffi:ialsputial11::お よli:|::』:∥菫:Rキl』ll∥:::itilleが 。 1lF_lfi][ittV DocuSign Envelope lD:80037470-BB67‐447E‐BlC6‐F647745F18Al Superintendent/0e9lgnte Slgnature Bonneville Jr. School Dlstrict flg3 rndependence o&M services LLc Ag€ney Nem€ 1245 canal nve IdahO FallS, ID 83402 Address Bonneville lti Sch。。l District―Service PFOVldeF AgreementPage 3