HomeMy WebLinkAboutFenton's Office Solutions Maintenance Contract SCMSSchool Maintenance Contract Terms This is an agrecrrcnt b€twccn Fenton's Offtcc Solutions Inc rnd Sandcreek Middte Schoot, school district #93, locatcd in Bonncvillc County, Idaho Falls, Idaho hcrcinaftcr known as thc Customcr. Thc Customcr agrccs to cnter this contsact for a minimum of I -ycar. Thc contract will automatically cxtend for the ncxt ycar unlcss Fcnton's Office Solutions Inc is notificd by thc principle in writing 30 days bcfort thc contsact cnds. Fcnton's Offrce Solutions lnc agtccs to havc a pcrformancc mceting at thc cnd ofthc contsct. Thc Administator or principlc agrecs to discuss any oonccrns or nccds, with Fcnlon's Ofticc Solutions Inc at that timc. lf thc thcrc arc issucs that cannot bc rcaolvcd by Fenton's, thcn thc Principal has thc right to canccl thc conts ct. Fcnton's Office Solutions Inc. will thcn givc thc Principal 30 days to rcphcc thc cxisting cquipmcnt bcforc Fenton's will pull all cquipmcnt that is owncd by Fcnton's Officc Solutions Inc. This Documcnt signcd by both partics, binds both parfics to thc tcrms rnd conditions of this contract. Thc contna will automatically rcncw for anothcr ycar unlcss otlrcrwisc spccifi cd. Charges Fcnton's OIIicc Solutbns lnc. will chargc thc Customcr a ratc of $.0055 for bhck printr md $.03 for color printr on all digital MFP's provklcd by Fcnton's. Thc Cwlomcr sgrlrs to pcy for papct. Services Fcnton's Officc Solutions Inc agrtcs to pmvi& thc Customcr uscd digital MFP's, scrvicc, parrs, lsbor, a1fr toncr for as long as thc contact tcrm, Any cquipmcnt, that tlrc principal can show, thrt has had cxccssivc scrvicc ond is not funotioning propcrly will bc rcplaccd. Fcnton's Officc Solutions Inc also agrccs that fic pricc ofthc contrrct will not bc changcd any tirrc duing thc contrrct pcriod, Excessfue servtce ls descrlbed as a plecc ofeqdpncnt havhg hd 3 dlffcrent scrvtce lssues (tM oe ao, uscr rclated) in one md h's tlma, Ihc trt rclpal rh.n co, dlscss rhesc lssus wlth Fcnlonl Offce Rcpab at &clde lf he or shc va71ts lo osk f0 nev .qulprnent. /_″ Fenlon's OIIic! Solutio.rs Inc sigmtuE FENTONIS OFFICE SOLUT10NS Co"3 1ml● “ 購 `selll=e208‐523‐:444 Cm… ″ 565 18t St00t F●L.D83401 0m●o:20052年 1444 Fax 208623●179 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT CONTRACT Cuttdiff PO * B:LLTO L∝AHONMACH:NE LOCATЮN llem.: Sandcreek Middle School Pa“esK@d93k12●us Accom Nmlb∝SMS Base Pnco Codracl CoErr EE.3r Co9i.. O Ercrs Coplcr @ Typ. ot Contrct x Copy Care (abor. parls, dnrns, torEr) o Coplcf M:lnbnarca (parft, dunr, bbo0 o Copy Calt (wlllort dun) o Coplor Mrldcrrro (HfiDd &un) o Tlporvrtbr/Pdd.r MalnbrlarE (cb.dng otly) o FanPdnler llslrtn rE (sthod dnm) o Typcwdbr Malnbmlr (p.]b, bboo From: To: B珈 7onm X― 口Q―ゥ ロSod‐Ann■J●―●0詢 " Wb劇 “ SPECIAL:NSTRuCnOWS ・ Conhcth non‐●●ncebbb broney●●■ ・ Co蔽 “ d∞●nd coveraw nmo曲 ●.B7W Copl“PorTem l●●b0 0鋤 Tax Attnh l"罐 ToL: CALE∥DAR DATE COVERED ADDr10NALTERttB AND COHDrmHS ON RttRSE Lthe undersigned,have read and understand a口 he terms ofhis comract CuSTOMER ACCEPTANCE AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE EQuIPMENT COVERED