HomeMy WebLinkAbout3345 Corporal PunishmentSTUDENTS 3345 Page 1 of 2 Bonneville Joint School District No. 93 CORPORAL PUNISHMENT AND REASONABLE PHYSICAL FORCE The Bonneville Joint School District No. 93 Board of Trustees believes it is the duty of a teacher to carry out the rules and regulations of the board of trustees in managing classroom behavior, and a teacher shall have the power to adopt any reasonable rule or regulation to manage classroom behavior in, and otherwise govern, the classroom, not inconsistent with any statute or rule or regulation of the board of trustees. However, corporal punishment shall not be used. DEFINITIONS “Corporal Punishment” means knowingly and purposely inflicting physical pain on a pupil as a disciplinary measure.” “Reasonable Physical Force” is the minimum amount of force needed to keep students, staff, and third-parties safe. Reasonable Physical Force may only be used when no reasonably effective, safe, and feasible alternative appears to exist and does not include force used on a person who is retreating, surrendering, or obeying directions. On any school premises or at any school sponsored activity, regardless of location: shall include, but not be limited to buildings, facilities, and grounds on the school campus, school busses, school parking areas; and the location of any school sponsored activity. This includes instances in which the conduct occurs off the school premises but impacts a school related activity. GUIDELINES 1. Reasonable physical force may be used upon a student when a reasonable person would deem necessary the use of such force: a. for self-defense; b. for the protection of students, staff, and/or third-parties. 2. The nature and severity of the physical force should be commensurate with the circumstances of the situation. The following factors should be considered in determining whether the force used was appropriate: a. availability of less severe but equally effective means of dealing with the situation; b. the purpose, including the safety and security of others; and c. age, strength, and level of physical aggression or violent behavior of the student, staff and/or third-party; or STUDENTS 3345 Page 2 of 2 Bonneville Joint School District No. 93 d. the individualized education program, behavioral intervention plan, and/or the safety plan in place for the student at the time of the situation. SAFETY PLAN 1. The school principal should arrange a meeting with the students' parents and school team to develop and implement a safety plan for students who have shown a pattern of physical aggression or violent behavior. DISCIPLINE Discipline for the use of corporal punishment and/or the use of unreasonable physical force includes the following: 1. Students are subject to the Student Code of Conduct. 2. Discipline for staff may involve actions up to and including dismissal. 3. Discipline for a third-party, may involve actions up to and including future prohibition from entering any school premises or attending any school sponsored activity, regardless of location. 4. The Superintendent/designee shall submit the case to the appropriate law enforcement agency when the situation warrants such action. The provisions of this policy apply to incidents which occur on any school premises or at any school sponsored activity, regardless of location Adopted 07-13-2005 Reviewed Revised ??-??-2023 Cross-Reference: Bullying, Hazing, and Harassment #4370 Prohibition of Weapons #3335 Assault and Battery #3315, 4380 Abuse of School Property #3325, 4360, 5327 Reporting Child Abuse Abandonment or Neglect #3585, 5260 Reporting Child Abuse Abandonment or Neglect Procedures #3585P, 5260P Idaho Code 33-1224 Powers and Duties of Teachers