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Lnema, Heidi Sloan, Kenneth Lemingrich, Malina Daw, Heidi Southwick, Sheila Rusch, Gachys Mille, Halley Miller, Margerie Miller, Jay Dannhel, Jan Dannhel, Terry <br />Turner, Nonalee turner, Jenni Talcolt, Dustin Miller, Erike, Miller, Chelsea Chase, Camille Lororey, Anna Durfee, Andy Hegstel, Rebecca Webb, LeAnn Atwood, Heather <br />Plain, DeVere Hunt, Tome Hunt, Dane Nelson, Tammy Nelson, Janette Seedall, Kirsten Johnson, Adam Phillips, AUdra Hunsaker, Claudia Chamberlain, tandee Price, <br />James Williams, JoAnn Net, and Tarnime McCamnion <br />Chairperson a letter from former Chairperson <br />perspective of the question at hand because of his past service on the school board, He commended the school board for allowing the patrons of the district to have a <br />say in this matter by allowing the issue to be decided at the ballot box. He appreciates the administration and the Board for holding public meetings and forums with <br />regard to the important decision that the patrons are being asked to vote on. He is aware that it takes a great deal of time and effort to hold public meetings. He <br />appreciates the effort of the Board in empowering the committee of patrons to review and recommend solutions to the Board. He thanked representative Horinan for tier <br />efforts in sponsoring legislation which allows school districts the same ability that cities and counties have to issue 30 year bonds. This will allow a smaller burden on tax <br />payers paying over a longer period of time, He thanked the District and Legislature for providing patrons with a choice regarding an acceptable debt schedule. A growing <br />school district has issues that need to be addressed. He believes that the proposed bond is appropriate and is happy to support the bond and will be voting yes next <br />Tuesday, He thanked the Board for their efforts and Support of the children and patrons of the District. <br />Chairperson Winchester stated that she has served no the Board for 1n years. The issue with the high school has been her mind fo <br />elementary. Ye have had two committees and many discussions over many years. After looking at all of the options she believes this is the best plan for our students <br />and our community. The community will make the decision regarding what we will do. The Board is giving the community the opportunity w vote nn this proposal. This <br />decision has not been made easily but wo feel i|io the right one at this time. <br />She then stated that she had a prior commitment and would need to be excused from the meeting, She appointed Vice-chairperson Kip Nelson as Acting Chairperson for <br />the remainder of the meeting at 7:04 p.m. <br />Acting Chairperson Nelson stated that the District is wanting m put facts out and hope the public will understand how we came mthis decision. He then turned the <br />meeting over to Dr. Shackett He stated that the objective of this meeting is to share information and then answer questions, It is not his bond or the Board's bond, it is <br />the community's bond, Our job is to plan the best way we can meet the needs of the children in an affordable way. In 2011 we had a parent group from the plant facilities <br />committee to build a high school. There are pros and cons to the recommendation. A lot of time has gone into this. Our job is to present to you a solution that we feel <br />most of the community can afford and can accept to complete the schools that the students need. We will put this Out to vote on the 1 Ith. We want you to be so <br />educated. Please ask any questions you have. Showed a video regarding the overcrowding at the high schools. Then showed a PowerPoint presentation going over the <br />history, reasons why we went this way, and what we are asking for, <br />Showed tax levy rate going down when *m began building the o|mmonbries and then back upalittle, then back down in2007, The proposed tax levy rate is still lower <br />than in 1995. Usually <br />has accomplished a lot of projects and the growth in the community has helped pay for our buildings, Our current debt capacity is about $95 million. This bond is $92 <br />million over 30 years. He discussed District's taxable market value over the past several years. People are moving in because Our schools are so good. In 2012 the <br />value took a little dip, In 2008 we had almost 20% growth. Market value growth brings in more money and helps LIS pay off bonds earlier. Most all our bonds have been <br />paid off before the 20 year margin. In 2009, 2010, and 2011 it was a negative market growth. Something he never thought would happen. Our projections for this bond <br />are based on 0 growth in market value, Our enrollment growth has not slowed down. Right now we have $60 million in bond indebtedness. If we pass this bond, in 2015 <br />bond payments will begin paying partially on this bond, By 2031 all the other bonds will drop off and be paid off and the rest of the levy will go toward this bond. Almost <br />all Our bonds have been paid off early. If the growth continues, more people will be paying taxes and then we can pay the bonds down earlier. That doesn't mean the <br />taxes will go up, but more people will be paying taxes. Our philosophy is to pay the bonds of as soon as we Gan and let the growth pay for the bonds. Intermountain <br />Demographics out of Boise did a growth study in 2011 the projected growth and the students we currently have in the District were shown. The Study shows thatwe will <br />have over 4500 Students in our high schools by 2021. We have actual (the student we have now and moving them up) and projected. Somewhere in between will be the <br />number Of Students we will have enrolled by 2021 . Our middle schools are at capacity now, We had a preschool program at Rocky Mountain Annex. We moved that <br />program out into the elementary schools where we had space so Rocky Mountain could utilize that classroom space, We started our online school to offeras many <br />opportunities to our Students as we can. We have students taking classes online at the eCenter. We have students taking classes online at home as well. These <br />opportunities take students Out Of the brick and mortar classrooms. We opened our Technical Careers High School in 2012. We have almost 500 students taking classes <br />there right now. We want to expand this school. One of the projects on the bond is to move tire bus barn and transportation to a better location and then use the current <br />facilities to implement a diesel niechanics and an FFA agricultural program. We want to have horticulture and aninials. The hope is to extend the reach ofTCHS to bring <br />in more Students. The more students YOU can bring in and get interested in their education, they don't drop out of school. You are now seeing 21 modular classrooms at <br />the high schools now. We are anticipating more every year. The current high schools were built to add on to, However, the hallways aren't wide enough to accommodate <br />the 1600 Students in each of the high schools. We are proposing to build a new high school that will accommodate the flow of 2000 Students and allow additions in the <br />future, If that had been done at Hillcrest and Bonneville, we Could add another wing to accommodate the enrollment. With 21 portable classrooms. We will have to start <br />using port-a-potties. <br />There have been a lot of ideas overtho years. We began talking inzU10. The Board has spent many years discussing possible solutions. In 2011 a parent committee <br />presented to the board that we need to build a new high school, Our solution that we feel is what is best for the education Of Our kids is to build a high school and a <br />middle school, Buildi two idd| schools io work where the grade <br />would be educationally sound, The Board is presenting to the community what they feel is the best educationally sound option. On March 11 th You get to decide. 91h <br />graders can't take advanced classes when they are removed from the high school. There was a Survey in November and the first question was, "Would you support a <br />$92 million bond that Would increase your taxes $10.25 per month per $100,000 taxable value?' 84% of the respondents (well over enough to make it valid) Supported. <br />86% supported the middle school and high school concept. This didn't just come Out of the Board, The majority of those that responded are our customers, those that <br />have kids. We are growing at about 400 students per year or about 4%. This year we have about 3,000 high school students. That is approximately 1500 at Hillcrest and <br />1500 at Bonneville. The schools were built for 1200 students. Right now we are about 500 students over. That is why we have 21 portable classrooms. The freshman <br />class at each school has 100 more students than the senior class, We are presenting a solution that we feel is best for the education of students. We have just been <br />keeping up with the growth in the elementaries. At the middle schools 06-07 we took the 6th grade Out. Now they are at capacity. At the high schools, we are now over <br />capacity. These kids are here and we need to put them somewhere. <br />We have looked a| alternatives. But doing nothing costs a lot of money. Portables have two classrooms and are $125a piece m set up and wpurchase. We still need <br />money to purchase these type of classrooms, The modified high school block has 25% down time. If we go to a 7 period day, the down time would drop to 14%. That is <br />an alternative that we will bo looking at. Split sessions is a reality. If the bond passes the school won't be finished until 2017. In 2016 we will have to decide if we will go <br />to split sessions. There will be 200-300 more students. If it doesn't pass, we will need to put the students somewhere, If we drop 91h graders down we Would still have <br />1200 students in high schools. Wo would Put the (Lh and 9m graders at the middle schools a|D:30e.m.m12:3Op.m./m and 0m graders will come in from 1:00pm.m <br />r(0pm. This will kill sports ut the middle school. We would try to get as many portables as we ran, We are open to Suggestions on how to handle the number of <br />